Chapter 12

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Hermione's P.O.V

i screamed as i felt Ron's hand leave my chest. i was falling, for nothing. my life flashes before my eyes as i scream at the top of my lungs.
"HELP! HELP!" but no one could do anything. gasps, cries sound from all around me, everything was going so slow.
"HERMIONE!" Draco screams as he sprint to the edge of his platform. my head feels faint. all my hair flies in my face, finally covering my eyes. everything goes black and all sounds fade around me till its silent. this was it. this was the end.
i hear a piercing scream ringing in my ears.

"AAAHHH!" I scream and suddenly, BANG. my head was still spinning as my vision slowly faded back. i was fine, i was safe. i was in Draco's arms. i gasped trying to catch my breath.
"calm down your OK, just breath in ... and out," i followed his breathing as he looks at me. his face was cooling off and his eyes were all glassy. *click*
"HERMIONE! ARE YOU OK!" Ginny screams running and grabbing onto me and Draco. her mascara was dripping down her face and running along her school top. Harry was sighing beside me, patting me on the shoulder.
"i am now." i add. Draco smiles at me, his pearly white teeth making me tingly inside. i would be forever in his debt, and i didn't mind.

"what is this business?" Madam McGonagall ran up the stair lifting up her long emerald robe. she looks dumbfounded as she sees me in Draco's arms. everyone peers up at the still furious Ronald. huffing and puffing.
"h-he pushed-d her," Harry stutters. Madam McGonagall shakily turned to Ronald.
"YOU! HERE! NOW!" she didn't wait for him to move, she climbed up the stair case and grabbed his ear. McGonagall has always been harsh but it was only the late Professor Snape that would do anything like this. I shivered as he screeched past me. i felt Draco's grip get tighter as Ronald passed and he had a pretty good reason. i was unable to trust Ronald now. i don't think anyone was.

i didn't want to leave Draco after that. Madam McGonagall made him carry me to the hospital wing because i didn't want him to put me down. looking up at him, i saw him in a new light. he was strong and hot and caring. He looked like a lifesaver, or a super hero. I didn't know in the 7 years at Hogwarts that Madam Pomfrey also did counseling. It could have come in pretty handy considering the shit me and my friends have been through.
"You've got a bruised knee, sprained ankle and fractured wrist but your lucky Malfoy caught you or you could have done a lot worse." she says running around to collect potions and rules and bandages.
"Yeah, i could've." I mutter. Draco's blue eyes flow over me like the ocean smacking on the shore. Why didn't I realise how good looking he actually was? He flipped his blonde hair out of his face and i swear I could feel my inside tingle.
"You right granger?"
"Hermione," I stutter.

A day passes and all my injuries were solved with the slap of a finger. I overheard an annoyed Weasel talking to Harry about the punishments he received and how they were 'so unfair'
"You pushed her off the moving stair case Ronald, I think your lucky to not have been expelled!" Harry shouts not look Weasel directly in the eye. All he had been trying to do for the past day was get Harry on his side but harry was having jack shit of it. Ronald knew not to say what he was thinking and most of the day stayed quiet. Everyone had mixed opinions of me. Some would come up and see if I'm ok and others would scold me for kissing such 'human trash'. Most people would do both, asking me if I'm all ok and then saying "but Malfoy?" For someone who risked falling off the edge himself and saved my life, I don't really think that's very 'human trashy'! Now, draco would walk past me at breakfast, lunch, dinner, in the halls, at the library and walking through the fields to see if I'm doing alright.
"You know it's kind of getting annoying." I laugh as he runs up to me in the paddock.
"Oh I'll just go then." He stops in his tracks and turns back disappointed.
"NO! not your specifically, just everyone asking if I'm fine, it's been 2 days, I'm obviously fine"
"Duly noted." He sniggers and runs up beside me. Ginny pulled me close as Ron walked passed. She had been doing that since I got out of the hospital.
"I could have done that you know." Draco says. I blush.

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