Chapter 25

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Hermione's P.O.V

i couldn't stop giggling. Draco and I had just left the forest and i was skipping up the Gryffindor tower to my Dormitory. it was really early in the morning. even if Ginny stayed up waiting for me, surely she would have fallen asleep by now. i creek open the door. all the girls were fast asleep, snoring and mumbling away. i tip toe around my bed, across from Ginny's, trying not to make a sound but as soon as i pulled the covers from my bed, i saw one eye peep open. like a wise, old owl, she stiffly sits up, staring at me intensely.

"Where... were... you?" she says. i flinched a little, excepting her to jump out and tackle me, but she stayed still. her eyes were bloodshot and creepy.

"You weren't up all night were you?" i say, trying to avoid the question she had given me. but to be completely honest, i was kinda excited to tell her.

"Not all night. i feel asleep,"

"Oh thank god!" i interrupt. i was so bored the last day she was out sleeping. another one would just be cruel.

"Now you answer mine..." she says. i looked around the room at the rest of the dorm. they seemed to be asleep but all i could think about was them hearing what i had to say. i groan and grab her hand, yanking her out of bed. with a little yelp, she fell onto the floor and let me drag her out the room. As soon as i closed the door behind us, i pulled her to her feet. she sighed and stared at me again. "So?"

"I was with Draco in the forest." i cover my face thinking she would slap me for being in the forest again. she had made it clear, her opinions about that forest. but i slowly lowered my hands. she just grinned a little.

"no wonder your here so late. did you fall asleep from his boring stories?" she jokes.

"No we were awake the whole time."

"Oh up all night huh? what were you doing? Talking?"




"Kissing?" she says with an evil smirk. i giggle,

"Kind of..."

"Where you just sitting in each others presence?" i don't even know how she got there.

"You know I'm surprised you haven't gotten it yet considering how dirty minded you are..."i say. i let her think about it for a second. let her take in and process what i had just said. all of a sudden, she gasps. her eyes went huge and her jaw dropped to the floor.

"NO YOU DIDN'T?" she says breathy. i nod my head, trying to hide the smile arriving on my face. she squeals, jumping up and down on the spot. i tried to calm her down but to no avail. i felt bad for the people sleeping in the rooms around us. "That's HUGE!" she says. i didn't know what to say. i was so giddy i couldn't even recall what day it is. hold on!

"Wait whats the time?" i interrupt her shouts of joy.

"Who cares? You two have taken your relationship to the next level!"

"No but is it morning?"


"That means it Halloween!" i shout and give her a hug. she looks at me like i was crazy. like there were more important things to worry about. "Come on. tonight we will have the night of out lives!" i say swishing my hand through the air, painting a picture in our heads. Ginny still looked at me strangely.

"Why are you avoiding this? This is a big moment in both our lives!"


"Yeah! You lost your virginity and my best friend lost her virginity!" She says. I laugh at her face, wide and excited. "Now tell me all about it."

"Well... I was tutoring him in his dorm,"

"Are you seriously starting front the beginning?" She interrupts, eager to hear about what actually happened.

"Yes. We were in his dorm and we were celebrating him getting top of the class," I stop. I couldn't continue. Ginny scoffed and raised both of her eyebrows. "What?"

"Nothing continue..." She says.

"And we started doing... things when Ron and Harry burst in."

"Wait I thought you said you did it! And I am going to kill Ron!"

"Please do! He got into a fight with me and invited the whole Slytherin to watch! I yelled at him to get out and then started to cry. Draco took me to our special place and... stuff happened." I finish. Ginny's smile is growing until I spot teeth.

"No come on. More detail!"

"You want detail about me having sex?"

"Why not?" She says shrugging her shoulders. I punch her playfully and we both giggle. "Was it special?" She says. The tension in the hall was strange. It was like she wanted to know the answers but didn't want to ask the questions.

"It was perfect. I mean it wasn't anything out of a movie. Like there wasn't roses leading to the bed and music playing and all that shit but it was right !"

"Wait... where were you?" She said. Her expression was no longer cheerful. It was confused. Should I tell her we were rolling around in basically dirt?

"The woods..." I say hesitantly

"You did it in the woods? Wasn't it uncomfortable?"

"Surprising no. I don't think I was worried about that." She smiles again. Her cheeks go pink. "But you know how it is," I say wandering past her. As my hand hit the door non, she stops me with something I wouldn't have expected her to say in a million years.

"Actually... there a problem between Harry and I."

Thx for reading chapter 25. Plots twist and also cliffhanger lol
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