Chapter 7

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Hermione P.O.V - "who would ever want to root a filthy mudblood like you?"
My eyes water as I'm holding back tears. McRoys breath smelt like dirty socks and butter.
"DONT CALL HER A MUDBLOOD!" Someone shouted from behind him. Malfoy, in a pit of rage was red in the face.
"What?" All the his group asked
"Yeah what?" I reply back. About the only time I actually agreed with this group of idiots.
"What?" Malfoy said almost confused that I asked.
"You told them not to call me that."
"Yeah so what?"
"You've been referring to me by that for years!" His face went back to pink.
"Yeah well maybe I've realise it not a nice thing to call people."
"Since when have you ever realised something Malfoy?"
"Since I was second in the class. Always being beaten out by you!" I was so taken back. I only ever knew I was top. I never cared about the others (except maybe Harry, Ron and Ginny)
"I didn't know you are second of the class?" I say and he rolls his eyes. They were full of tears which just made me want to cry.
"Yeah, and trust me getting an 80% on a test is far better then what I would get for being second." The bell rang *ding ding ding* and the crowed that had formed around us either ran off to class or stayed to watch the rest of the fight. We couldn't even start arguing again when Filch came bounding towards us.
"What are you two fighting about?!" He was furious. His silver hair was spiking out like straw.
"We weren't fighting" I say wiping my eyes. Draco looks at me. I feel horrible. All he was trying to do was stick up for me and my stupid brain decided to fill in whatever he said with a nasty comeback. I was being a better Slytherin then him right now.
"Come with me" filch says. His cat is trailing behind him. He walks off into the castle and to the trophy halls.
"This is all your fault granger!" Malfoy whispers.
"Is not!" I lie.

The halls are deserted except for one or two first years running to get to their class.
"Because you two were fighting. You will be polishing the trophies in this hall all lesson!" He hands us a bottle of polish and a rag each and walks off, grabbing a newspaper from out of his jacket.
"Lazy git!" Malfoy mumbles.
"Tell me about it!"
"I'm not talking to you!" He says, pouring the polish into the rag and rubbing the trophies ferociously.
"What why not?" I knew exactly why. My stomach drops.
"Because I was tying to be nice to you and Potter and the weasels and you yell at me for it!"
"I know and I'm sorry! I feel terrible."
"You should. You made me get detention."
"Hey I got det too!" I say but he still doesn't look at me. He looks dead forward to the trophy and scrubs it clean.
"Yeah but you were fighting with Pansy and McRoy to begin with anyway,"
"If you hadn't come up to us then none of this would have happened!"
"I didn't come up to you! They came up to you and I was just there!"
"Why are you always 'just there'" I say and he goes silent. He polish for a few seconds before he pipes back up.
"You know it's not the easiest thing being me." I roll my eyes.
"You have a group of people that do whatever you want for you all the damn time!"
"Not all of them. Blaise doesn't"
"Yeah ok one out of 5!"
"Your acting like I'm the one that called you a mudblood!"
"Because it's weird that your all of a sudden so... comforting?"
"Oh ok I'll keep that in mind. Just remind me never to help you again."
"Draco that's not what I meant,"
"This happens every time I try to help anyone. Because I'm just an evil Slytherin!" He looks at me. He doesn't have fury in his face, but pain. I feel awful. Where did this side of him come from all of a sudden.
"Your not an evil Slytherin." I say taking a step closer to him. He steps back and drops the bottle of polish on the ground. Still looking into my eyes.
"Yes I am."
"No your not"
"Yes I am!"
"Why are you arguing with me?"
"Im just doing with you were doing before."
"I was mad then."
"Who said I'm not mad now?"
"Your making me mad Malfoy!"
"It's Hermione!"
"Ok, Granger" He says with an evil grin. I'm give him a narrow death stare.
"Polish the trophy." I say. He bends down and picks up the half used bottle of polish. If we were going to fight at least get shit done while doing so.
"Whatever you say mudblood."
"Death eater!" I snap
"Do you wanna kiss me as much as I wanna kiss you?"
"Do you even have to ask?"
And before I knew it, ourlips were pressed together. He placed his soft hands on my checks and I went warm. I wrapped both my arms around his neck. It felt like something out of a movie. It had passion and lust. He was gentle and warm and it felt right. This was never, ever like it was with Ron. We both released for a breath. We still had our arms around each other, eyes still closed (or at least mine were). There was something inside me that was finally satisfied. Happy I finally kissed him. It was the same thing telling me to do it again.

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