Chapter 13

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Draco's P.O.V

We kissed. she released my hand from hers and i put then against her face while she ran hers through my hair. Our bodies pressed against each other and my upper lip starts to sweat. 

"Draco." she whispers through my lips. She was enjoying this! she went in more and i followed. we laughed in each others lips. her lips were sweet and tasted like strawberries. she melted in my arms and i didn't want to let her go. ever. 

Hermione's P.O.V

i woke up in one piece. i was laying on the rough ground, head against the rock. the sun was shining dimly through the trees and the birds chirped from deep within the forest. Draco lay next to me, fast asleep. i had stayed here the whole night, with Draco! i wonder what Ginny would say. he slept so peacefully, letting out tiny snores as he breathed. i smile to myself, maybe this forest wasn't so bad after all. Draco's eyes flicker open and squints at me. 

"were we here all night?" he says rubbing his tired, eye bag-less eyes. like he must get great sleep. my bags are so heavy that even Hagrid cant lift them. 

"seems like it." i joke and he sits up laughing. 

"we should really get back to out common rooms before someone noticed we were gone." 

"Ginny would have already noticed. shes probably still sitting and waiting for me to walk through the door." he stands up and grabs my hand to help me. he is such a gentlemen. 

"hey," he says before we walk off. "thanks for last night, i had a lot of fun."

"so did i." i say and we walk off out of the forest. the sun shone bright outside, it was October and still it felt like summer. 

the common room was silent and still when i walked through the portrait. the fat lady was asleep when i arrived, grumbling as i step into the common room. the clock hanging above the fireplace read 6:30am. everyone will still be asleep. i tiptoe up the spiral staircase till i reach the dorm halls. out door was open ever so slightly, only just resting against the door frame. as i push it open i examine the room. my bed was made and still clean, Ginny's had a lump under the covers, she had gone to sleep. good. i didn't want her to be up all night worried about me. Sarah, Chloe and Mia's, (3 other girls in Gyffindor that we dormed with) bed were full as well. i sit down on my bed, reliving the night i had had and the things i had done, until i was startled by Ginny shooting up from her bed. her eyes were bulging and red and her bags were heavier then mine it almost looked like makeup. 

"There you are! you didn't come back last night what happened? did you fall asleep at the Library? or at the hospital?" she didn't give me a chance to explain myself. 

"i was in the forest." i interrupt while pulling twigs and leave out of my messy hair. 

"WHAT!? why do you keep going back there? its dangerous!" she says ripping the covers from her legs and jumping out of bed. 

"Ssshhh, don't wake up the others. its to early!" i whisper and she instantly takes it down a few tones. "and look, I'm fine aren't I?"

"that's not the point hermione. what if something did happen to you? you were all alone!" she says concerned. as if I'm only just considering going to the forest. 

"i wasn't alone," i say peering away from Ginny. she looks surprised. 

"and with may i ask?" 

"no you may not." i joke. she scoffs and slaps my arm lightly. "I'm just kidding." i say and pretend to rub my arm. 

"i was with Malfoy..." 

"MALFOY! REALLY!" she cuts me off even though i was finished anyway.  i blush and nod my head happily. "what was it like? did you kiss?" she says taking it up way further then it was previously. 

"SSSHHH!" i spit as the other girls roll around in their beds. "we did," she squeals, "but we mostly talked. it was kinda nice." 

"kinda nice? he is a death eater. who knows whether he was a spy for the dark side."

"your opinions about him change so quickly." 

"I'm just looking out for you. last year i thought i lost my boyfriend to them and i don't to lose my best friend too." he places her hands on my shoulder. it was a touching moment between 2 friends, i wouldn't forget that. 

"speaking of death eaters, he showed me his tattoo."

"HE DID?" 

"yep and i showed him my scare."


"he cried." 

"HE CRIED. why do you sound so impressed?"

"because I think it shows hes changed. he talked about his family and his dad and him being abused and his mother going crazy. probably all things i should have kept from you." i say 

"your my best friend, you ain't keeping anything from me!" she giggles but i can tell she is trying to sound serious. i give her a hug. she squeezes me tight. 

"well I'm glad your safe. and I'm glad your happy!" she adds. 

"and I'm glad your didn't stay up all night waiting for me." 

"oh no i did, i am so tired." she says collapsing onto my freshly made bed. 

"go to sleep, ill tell the teachers you weren't feeling well and needed rest. ill make your bed, you use mine." i say. she smiles warmly.

"your good to me."

"i know. now bed!" and she pulls up the covers and raps herself around them like a burrito. as i remove all the blankets and sheets from her bed and lay them on the floor, i think about today. what was going to happen. would people know? would they care? what would they think? then i remembered the wise words of someone who i'll soon realize is very, very special to me. 

"who cares what people think?... don't worry about the future. just worry about right now"

thanks for readimg, last chPTER ledt me shook and now. sorry for my crappy spelling and hatever that sentence was. ok i give up bye. vote if you enjoyed

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