Chapter 40

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Hermione's P.O.V

it had been a day since i had gotten out of the Hospital wing. Ginny and Draco were all over me. well Ginny wasn't. she was stuck between me and Blaise, basically serenading one, leaving the other as if they don't exist and jumping between us as if we would never notice. Draco had told me about the weird moment they had after leaving the wing.

"It was like they were different people!" he mumbles as they playfully flirt in the library. I couldn't tell whether it was cute, or gag worthy.

The halls were abandoned. No one was in sight or at least where I was. where was everyone? class was starting in 20 minutes, i thought at least some people would be getting ready to go to class. maybe that's just my '2nd year Hermione' talking. since being friends with harry and breaking every school rule imaginable and then dating Draco, i have kind of let my guard down a little. I was having Divination next but left early to talk to professor Trelawney about a task that was due in a few days time. the steep staircase tired me out but even through my huffing and puffing i heard a chatter in the distance. the halls were so silent, i could hear people talking in the Divination room from a few flights down. as i made my way up higher and higher, i noticed that the trapdoor was not closed as it usually is, but was opened just a crack, i could see just about what was happening inside the classroom. I quietly placed all my books on the floor and stepped a few rails up the ladder, peeking in through the crack, staying still and silent.

"You must listen Menerva! this isn't some joke!"

"I'm sorry Sybill but i refuse to believe it!" believe what?

"but you haven't even heard the whole story. I mean after all my last prophecy was correct!"

"Oh... alright!"

"she has come of age. much like her father she is evil and powerful! Delphini will continue the dark lords work and wishes to fulfill her destiny." i needed to cover my own mouth to stop my self from gasping to loud. what? "She wants to rejoin the death eaters together. gathering her close friends and family who will supports her! Mam'm, the dark lord is here."

this cant be! it just cant. what did Voldemort even have a child? i needed more answers but i also was just so overwhelmed with what i just heard. i didn't know what i wanted to do with the new information i had received. this is what i get for breaking the rules and eavesdropping.

"this is just shocking! and the mother is Bellatrix i presume?" and like a knife to the heart, fell. my feet hit the ground kicking over all of my heavy books and surplies. shit! in a rush to not be seen, i swipe my stuff from off the ground. where do i go from here? as i hear the trapdoor creak open more and more, i duck behind the only place i know will hide me enough. unfortunate that it just so happened to be standing on the edge of the window, leading to a massive drop to other staircases down below me. this was Ron pushing me all over again.

"H...hello?" Professor Trelawney stutters. i could tell by her voice she was shaking like a leaf. i waited until i heard the trapdoor shut again before i jumped out from behind the windowsill. fuck the questions, i needed to go find Draco!

Draco's P.O.V

"Come one Blaise! we have like 10 minutes we should start getting ready to go to class."

"Whats wrong with you man? its ya new girlfriend isn't it? making you all responsible. remember when you rocked up to class 10 minutes late and didn't give a shit?"

"That was the old me."

"Yeah well I still have a reputation to keep a hold of so," i roll my eyes. what a douche. suddenly, a stressed and disgruntled Hermione storms into the dorm. Blaise throws up his hands. "i could have been naked you know!" but she wasn't paying attention to him. she was muttering and mumbling to herself. then she turns to me.

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