Chapter 31

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Hermione's P.O.V

the last week of the holidays was great. and suddenly, i was really excited for school to come back. we were the group of 4 Harry, Ron, Ginny and I used to be. the only difference is, people would move out the way for us, let us cut in the front of the line and let us borrow things, we didn't even have to ask to borrow stuff. the best part was, it wasn't in fear. everyone actually really liked us. people would come up to me in class or at the library and thank me for changing Draco for the better. And I actually started tutoring people for real. I had a few people a week and helped them with tests coming up. Surprisingly, things weren't awkward between Draco and I. After I realised I loved him, I couldn't handle being around him but now that I have told Ginny, we have gone back to normal. Anytime I'm with Draco, she will give me the 'I know something only you and I know' kind of sneaky look. Also, no one knew about me and Draco being a couple. Not even Ginny and not even Blaise I assume.

"How are thing between you and Draco?" Ginny asked me obviously wanting me to ask her the same question. I was in my dorm refreshing on the different types of poison potions for a tutoring session later.

"You know how things are between me and Draco. The real question is how are things between you and Blaise?"

"What? I'm with Harry!" She says all defensive.

"Yeah but we know how things are between you too. But you and Blaise! Things are pretty flirty lately." She turns red.

"That's nothing. Blaise flirts with everyone!"

"Yeah but you don't. And this isn't just 'I flirt with everyone flirting'. Did you see that way he looked at you when you came back from the Burrow?" She giggles. Harry and Ginny where always a thing, even when they weren't even a thing and now that that is crashing, Ginny and Blaise being a thing doesn't seem so far out of the picture. A weird picture it is but it doesn't seem impossible.

"Your overthinking that. He was probably just happy to see I was ok after my fight. Which I'm still mad at your for showing them!"

"I didn't show them! Draco was there and I didn't see Blaise there when I read it." I say. She smiles and starts making her bed. This will be good. I close my book and watch her struggle to straighten the bed cover and throw it on evenly. Them watched as she tried to rip the sheets out of the bed and ended up tearing a hole in the sheets. Until she eventually gave up and throw the mess she had made on the bed to leave there.

"Need some help?" I say. She just sarcastically laughs and slumps onto the pile of pillows and blankets.

Ron P.O.V

"Come on! You need to get over yourself. I've been trying to talk to you for about 20 minutes and I swear you haven't been paying attention at all!" Pansy shouts as I snap back into focus. She was right. I couldn't tell you one word that she had been saying to me.

"Sorry. I was to busy thinking about that skank Hermione!"

"Why are you thinking about her? And why are you always thinking about her when we are together?"

"It's so infuriating how she kisses a guy and all of a sudden she becomes Little Ms Popular. She is so up herself!"

"You know it almost sounds like you like her and your trying to cover it up with all this 'slut, skank, shit face' talk." She says. I gag. I would never like Hermione...

"Ew! No! I hate her. After what she did to me,"

"Yeah that was fucked up!"

"I hate her, and Draco."

"Ew." She says running her fingers through my hair. We sat in the Slytherin common room, staring into the fireplace. Silence concealed us for a while until I got an idea.

"We need to figure out a way to break them up." I say. She looks at me. Her face was all screwed up, which I didn't expect.

"I dunno. Why would we?"

"Because we hate them together! They are annoying," she nods admittedly, "and also, if they break up, we could become the new power couple of the school!" Suddenly, she was interested. She smiles wickedly at me.

"We could couldn't we? Ok what's your plan?" She says.

"Ok so I was thinking..."

Ginny P.O.V
I had seen Harry since they came back from the burrow. But everything was so awkward between us. We didn't talk and when we did it was always so forced and uncomfortable. I was going to talk to him properly for the first time since our fight. My heart was pounding in my chest. It was so hard, my could feel my pulses banging too.
Come on Ginny! You can do this. I tell myself as I make my way up the staircase to the boys side of the dorms. As I got to the Harry's door. I pause. Was I ready for this? Did I want to do this? And if I didn't, would I be fine leaving the awkward mess? I raise my hand to knock but before I could the door swings open.

"SHIT!" Harry screams in fright as he sees my face.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to scare you." I say nervously. He nods his head, I open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out.

"Actually. We need to talk." He says and gestures me inside; his tone was flat and his face had to expression. Oh boy.

Hermione's P.O.V

"Where is she!" Draco says aggravated. I stroke his arm trying to calm him down but starve him instead. Blaise is watching the reading the book on his lap and watching the door momentarily.

"Calm down. She'll be here." I say. Ginny was always one to run late to study sessions. I don't understand why Draco was so annoyed now.

"She better come soon!" Blaise comments. Draco and I look at each other. I knew we were both thinking the same thing, that comment was so forced. Suddenly, Blaise got really fidgety. We just sit there watching him was his leg bounces around and his fingers tap.

"He never does that unless he's hinting that he wants something." Draco whispers.


"Yeah last time he did that was when he wanted me to buy him a box of chocolate frogs but was to chicken to tell me." We look at each other. What was going on here? Suddenly, the door slams open. Ginny walks into the room fast and stops dead in her tracks in front of the three of us.

"Harry and I broke up!" She cries.

"What?!" I say jumping up and giving her a hug. I see Draco and Blaise face. They both go wide and they shoot up after me.

"We better go!" Draco says quietly and kisses me on the cheek. A second later I here to door slam behind them. Ginny still crying sits down on the bed. I run over to her bedside table and grab the whole box of tissues. Shits about to get real.

Thx for reading chapter 31!!! Holy crap this story has come so far. I know chapter 29 would have come out before this comes out but st the time of writing this, we hit 3k reads!!!!!! Thx for reading every single one of yous and if you enjoyed this chapter and any other chapters, make sure you vote ❤️❤️❤️

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