Chapter 48

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Hermione P.O.V

I had made myself walk past this Draco guy so many times. 1. To apologise for not remembering him which he seemed to take pretty personally and 2. To see if he is actually avoiding me. Every time we were in the same room, he avoiding eye contact and walked the A's far away as possible from my even if it meant taking the long way. Yep. He hates me. I sigh to myself. I knew it was my fault for not doing anything sooner. His face seemed so familiar as if i had known it for so long. Cute face. Blonde hair that sat in just the right place. Grey eyes that stare into your soul like angels. A jawline that could cut steel! Yes he was attractive. But I loved Ron. I think I love Ron. I think I am supposed to love Ron... We had a short break to get to each class when I saw Draco lining up out in the halls. This was my time to talk to him. I straighten my robe and walk up to him, startling him just a little.

"Hey." I say politely. He just nods his head and mumbles something under his breathe. "Look I am really sorry for not remembering you." He looks at me as if I had walked up and stabbed me in the heart.

"No don't worry." He says and turns away.

"I feel horrible. I should have made an effort to get to know you better. Hang out." He shakes his head. What did I say?

"It's fine." He says bluntly. I didn't know what to do. He obviously didn't want me around so I walk away. I still felt bad for not knowing him but confused of why he was so mad. He's acting like we have been enemies for life. Either that or the love of his life.


"He hates me!"

"He doesn't hate you."

"He totally hates me."

"Why would he hate you?"

"Because Ginny! We have been in the same year level for what? 7-8 years and I didn't even know his name!"

"Yeah but you can't remember everyone."

"Wanna bet? walking through the halls i can name half the students I bump into,"

"Yeah and he is one of them you can't!"

"All the people I cant name are the 1st, 2nd and 3rd years. Not the kids I have been doing charms with all my life." i felt so ashamed. i felt so bad for Draco and Ginny. she had been sitting with me, convincing me I am not hated, rather then going off and doing something that's actually fun. "i just don't get it. i mean his face is so familiar but his name just goes straight over my head."

"Don't stress about it. If he wants to take it to heart, then let him." she says.

"But it breaks my heart to see him upset, or angry. one of the two, most likely both. Its as if we had been enemies for life or the love of his life,"

"WHAT!" she says suddenly. i jump back.


"You said that to him?"

"NO! i said its as if. i didn't tell him that, that would just be more awkward then it already is!" She sighs relieved. whats she up to? does she know something i don't?

Ginny's P.O.V

"She thinks he hates her!" I say. the boys jaws drop. were they really surprised?

"Why?" Ron asked stupidly. i roll my eyes.

"Because its way to hard for him to see her like this. he avoids her at all costs and now she thinks he hates her."

"What an idiot!" Harry spits.

"Hey!" Me and Ron say at the same time.

"Not Hermione. That Stupid Slytherin!" Harry says getting more and more fired up. I wasn't really sure what I needed to do to calm him down.

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