Chapter 20

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Draco's P.O.V

my hands were so sweaty my quill threatened to slip out of my fingers on more then one occasion during this test. i was so scared. Hermione was such a great teacher and we had had great times in my dorm, hiding from Blaise studying and doing Charms homework. i think back to the one time last week we were eating popcorn and she stuck a piece up my nose. She was teaching me about 'accio' and its history. it means 'i summon' in latin. i quickly scribble that down before i forget. i see Hermione from across the room. she looks like she knows what she is doing. her curly, dirty blonde hair was pulled neatly back into a pony tail. her fingers gliding the ink onto the paper so gracefully. Wait... No! i cant get distracted! if i do then i will fail and i'll never be able to see her again.

"Ok class, we have 30 minutes left on your test. No rush!" Professor Flitwick says from his large stack of book. Oh no. I'm barely half way done! i try to think back at what Hermione had taught me. but all i could think about was the fun stuff we were doing. Wait a second!!!

.................... *30 minutes later*

"Ok class. time to hand up your papers!" Professor Flitwick says. The class sighs but i was actually a little confident. i mean not as much as i wanted to be. i was defiantly still very nervous but a little more confident in myself and my answers.

"How did you go?" Hermione says pushing through the crowd of slugged students.

"i don't know, he hasn't marked my test yet." i joke. she slaps me across the arm with her paper and smiles. her smile is so warming i just want to kiss her. but not here. not now. Blaise presses his hand against my shoulder as Hermione walks off.

"You and Granger huh?"

"Hermione." i correct

"Ohhh look at you sticking up for your little girlfriend!"

"Shut up Blasie!" i say a little louder then i wish i did. he laughs at my obvious attempt to hiding my crush. he rushed me aside, before i can even give Flitwick my paper.

"so things are really getting serious with you and Gra... Hermione?" he asked me. i didn't know what to say. was it just a fling? was it just a way to get over Weasel? there was only one way to know and i wasn't going to do it. we i don't know whether we are serious enough to ask whether we are serious enough. Damn, relationships are confusing. by the look on my face, Blaise could tell i am stumped. so he just mimics my shrug and pats me on the shoulder, trying to say 'it'll be fine'

i see Hermione out of the corner of my. she was watching me, hoping i didn't see her. i watch her mortified face as i turn to look back at her. her eyes grow wide and she gives me and awkward, embarrassed smile. her smile is so cute. why is she so cute?

Hermione P.O.V

Ginny stare at me from across the room.
"Why you so happy?" She says. The blazing fire shone on my already hot face. I hadn't stopped blushing since the test.
"It's so strange because, I used to kind of be embarrassed when showing I liked Draco, but now I really couldn't care less. I mean thing are going so great with him!" I say. To my surprise, her smile is beaming so wide it can only be compared to my own. "I didn't think you liked Draco?" I add.
"I mean I don't really but he makes you so happy and I haven't seen you like that since you and Ron only first got together." She says. A few things exploded in my mind at that moment that freaked me the fuck out.
"Wait so... hold on," I say. Ginny straightened her posture and looks at me, horrified of what I am going to say next, "you don't like Draco?" That's the first thing that comes out of my mouth. But I know, and I know that she knows there are much harder questions to answer in the very near future.
"I mean not completely. I can't 100% forgive him for what he did to us all but that doesn't mean he hasn't changed. And by the looks of it, he definitely has!" She says, slouching back down just the tinniest bit.
"Not 'and'! What does there have to be an 'and'?" She interrupts me,
"Do you think this is a honeymoon faze?"
"I mean you said you hadn't seen me this happy since Ron and you know how Ron turned out so..."
"Do you think it's just going to be the same thing? Just great until... it turns to shit?" This was the question that was less interrogating her and more questioning my ability to have a normal functioning relationship. I mean, do Draco and I even have a relationship?
"I mean Harry and I had that faze as well and we are still very happy!" She tries to reassure me. "Just because Ron is a big pile of crap, doesn't mean Draco will be!" She says embracing me in a hug. Sometimes I wonder whether we hug to much but oh well.
"Speaking of big pile of crap, how is Ron? Has he talked to you?" I say. She laughs at my comment and sits back down in her chair.
"Only a couple times. Only in the mornings after,"
"After he sleeps with Pansy?" I say. She laughs again and nods her head.
"God! I still can't believe he is doing that!" Ginny says shaking her head in disgust.
"I know I mean it's probably only to spite me. Trying to make me jealous but I am very happy!"
"With you boyfriend?" Ginny says. I hit her jokingly. It was always something everyone joked about but never something I actually thought about. I just kinda shook it off like it was nothing.
"No but seriously. Do you like him? For real?"
"I don't know,"
"Come on! Yes you do. You can't get enough of him. Heck, you go to his quittich practices, you sneak off to his dorm every week to 'study' and your basically all over each other in the halls!" She says. She had a very good point and I had no clue how to come back.
"PLEASE! That's nothing. We are just...."
"We have had this chat so many times! It's time to finally admit it! You-like-Draco!" She says poking me in my arm. I look at her and just shrug. I didn't know what to say. I mean I get butterflies everytime I'm around him that just make some want to kiss him all over but, what if he doesn't feel the same? What if he is still for Pansy? What about Ron? I have no feelings for him but what if they come back?! Then what?
"Well, let's just see the test results then!" She says picking herself off her chair and stretching her arms into the air.
"What do you mean test results?"
"The literal test results! I think they will show us something pretty interesting!" She says while walking off, leaving me alone in the dim fire light.

As the last of the ash burns out, I sigh. What was I to do. I needed to think. And not in a place where Ginny can nag me or Sarah can snore in my ear. No. I needed to go somewhere special. Someplace that meant something to me.

Ok so I wrote Half of this chapter in one month and the other in another month so it's probs all over the place! I'm mad at my self for not going into detail about what happened during the tutoring sessions they had between the last one and the test but oh well is In the past now. GUYS I HAVE SOME AMAZING NEWS!!!! Not only are we like 100 reads away from 1000 reads (which I swear they shot up. Last time I checked we were on 100 and now we are nearly 900!!!) and we are also #22 on the Dramione fan page!!!!! I went up 100 spots in under a month and I don't know how to thank you all!!!!! You all are so important because without all of you reading, I wouldn't be here... I mean I'm still just sitting in my bedroom typing on my phone but ya know. Anyway his has gone on too long. So if you enjoyed don't forget to vote 💖💖💖💖💛💛💛

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