Chapter 43

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Ginny's P.O.V

I was alone on the sofa by the fire. Reading my book for the test happening very shortly. Everyone had gone to Hogsmeade but Mione had promised me something from Honeydukes to make up for me not being there. Harry and Ron were staying back too not that I cared much. all they did was sit next to me and bug the crap out of me.

"Ginny why is life so hard?" Ron continuously asked me in an annoying high pitched voice.

"I don't think you being an asshole to everyone, is giving you a hard life." I say angrily. he rolls his eyes. the way harry was annoying me was worse though. he just sat there, in silence, all tense and awkward. he occasionally looked my way and gave me a weird smile before looking away in a snap. he made me so uncomfortable. the portrait door swung open. no one looked up to see who it was because we didn't really care. But standing before me, with the blankest of blank expressions on her face was Hermione. I look at her confused. she shakes away her expression and sits down between me and Harry.

"What are you doing here?" Harry asked.

"I don't know." she says quietly. we all look at each other. what is going on?

"i thought you wanted to go to Hogsmeade?" Ron says all embarrassed.

"I did want to go but not i am here..." she trails off. its almost as if she didn't know why she had come back.

"Does this mean i don't get anything from Honeydukes?" i ask. everyone looks at me and Hermione smiles. Probably not the best time to ask that.

"No sorry." she says with a giggle. oh well. "Its weird because its all i remember was getting of the train and Draco looking shit scared. he told me to get off the bus and then i said no and then the rest is just a blur, and then suddenly i am sitting with you guys!" her story seemed weird. something wasn't right. why didn't Draco want her there? and why cant she remember half of the story itself!?

"Wait, you can't remember why you left?" Harry asked.

"No! i cant even remember getting here or walking portrait to the couch!" we flinch. as if something crawled up our arms and down out backs all at once.

"Why wouldn't Draco want you there?" i say. she looks at me and shakes her head.

"I have no clue. he was just begging and begging and i said no but apparently i that's not what i said cos i am here and not on my way to Hogsmeade."

"I mean technically by now they would have already been there..." Ron starts, but he stops immediately after we all look at him. we sit in total silence, pondering over what Hermione had told us and how weird it was not remembering anything. suddenly the door swings open again. this time, all of us spun our heads around to see who was standing at the door. It was Tahlyia, the Hufflepuff in my Astronomy class.

"Guys! Come quick! Something bad happened!" she screams out to all the Gryffindors. we all look at each other in curiosity.

"What happened?" i ask. she looks at me with pure horror on her face,

"Hogsmeade got attacked!" we all shoot up from out seats. the other Gryffindors started chattering away.

"What!" we all say simultaneously.

"It was attacked by," she gulped, "Death eaters!"

Hermione's P.O.V

pure horror spread through my body. it was in my blood and apart of my bones.

"The kids who were there are all in Hospital now." and with that, she runs out. so is it true? or is she just stirring us up? she wouldn't do that. no one would! everybody was to terrified after what happened last year, none of us would ever dare to make a joke like that. my heart hit the floor.

"Draco" i mumble. I was off. My feet were running so fast i didn't even notice that i was running. i was taking myself to the Hospital wing without even thinking about it. all i could think about was Draco and how he was hurt, broken, dying in the hospital wing. before i knew it i was out front of the large doors, i see them lock shut just as i press my hands against them. "NO!" i scream. i saw the kids. the hundred of kids laying in hospital beds in pain. one of them could be Draco and i would never know because the doors are locked. i push and push and push but they don't budge.

"Hermione?" a voice sounds from behind me. i spin around to see him. Draco! he was alive. he was well. he wasn't a pile of smoldering bones laying on the bed. "What are you doing here?" he asks. i throw myself onto him. my legs wrap around his waist and he grabs my in the air.

"I AM SO HAPPY YOUR ALIVE!" he was pale in the face. he must have been horrified. i wasn't letting go of him, i stayed with my arms wrapped in a hug even after me put me back on the ground. suddenly, Ginny comes running up behind me.

"Is Blaise ok?" she says skidding to a stop as she reaches Draco and I.

"Yeah he just broke his arm." and then Ginny goes into full speed again. he yanks the door open, oh its a pull door, and runs inside, leaving Draco and I alone again. he wasn't talking.

"Are you alright?" i ask. he flinches.

"we really need to talk." he pulls me away from the door as if someone was going to hear us from inside. "i cant keep doing this to you. i hurt enough the first time and it will hurt everytime after that."

"Draco what are you talking about?"

"The saddest part is... i cant even tell you." he doesn't look me in the eye. i don't think he can. my eyes tear up, go glassy. i try to hard not to cry because i know where this is going.

"Draco no." i stutter.


"No!" i try to stop him,

"We need to break up." and there it was. like a knife to the heart. like a bomb exploding in my brain, like a scratching in my throat that made me want to vomit. i couldn't control the tears pouring out of my face, like they were being juiced. the hospital door opens.

"So it turns out the dumb ass just broke his wrist when he tripped over his own foot!" Ginny says walking up behind us. we don't say i word. Draco looked crushed. I looked crushed. she nods her head, not knowing anything, and backs away out of sight.

"Why?" i mumble. i tried to speak like a normal human but i could muster any words i was trying to say.

"I'm sorry Hermione." he says in response. well that helps doesn't it?! he grabs my sweat hands and kisses the top of them, and then like Ginny, backs away out of sight. i was alone, alone and crying. Draco was my rock and now he was gone. he meant everything to me and now he was gone! i would do anything for him but now he is gone. i didn't understand any of it? why is he breaking up with me? why couldn't he tell me? what did he mean when he said he 'hated doing it the first time and it will be just as hard every other time'? every inch of me ached.

i was litterally crying when writing this lol. so basically i am a weirdo because evertime i write a chapter, i get excited and and ask 'ooh whats going to happen next?' even though i am writing the story and planned it all out and know whats going to happen next but anyway. thx for reading. if you enjoyed dont forget to Vote for this chapter and any other chapter as well 💕

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