Chapter 27

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Draco's P.O.V

the music pumped loud. as loud as we dared to put it fearing the professors would catch us down here. Blaise bops up and down, out of time but he was too drunk to care.

"What's wrong?" He blubbers out.

"Got the vodka out did you?" I say, throwing my hands over my nose. he was swaying on the spot, trying to keep his balance. his eyes were flickering as if he was about to fall asleep.

"no, someone else brought their vodka out." he burps. "have you ever had alcolhol?"

"Only like once and it was barely any."

"You gotta live life!" someone says from behind me. my face lifts as i spin around and see Hermione, holy shit. her short dress and robe were covered in blood and her hair was ringlet curled.

"Are you who i think you are?" i say. the sides of her mouth jerk. She hasn't smiled at me all day, i am a bit concerned.

"I'm Nearly Headless Nick!" Weasley Jr pipes up.

"Yeah, yeah. good for you." i say completely ignoring her, to busy on Hermiones amazing outfit that not only complemented her body perfectly but made everyone else costumes look like utter trash.

"The Bloody Baron," she says, standing up tall and confident.

"The ghost of Slytherin?"

"well i wasn't going to be Moaning Myrtle was I?" she says. we both shiver at the thought of her dressed in long nightgowns and round glasses. "Ginny did the makeup."

"Wow, your chins bleeding!" Blaise waddles in next to me. Hermione and Ginny jump back.

"Its a neck!" Ginny says, trying to hide the smile rising on her face. what the?

"Hey do you want me to grab you some punch? i am like almost 100% sure its spiked but only with vodka so," i say. Ginny nudges her and she looks awkward again.

"Nah i'll get some myself. nice werewolf costume by the way." and before i knew it, she was dragging Ginny across the floor. sigh. Blaise pats me on the shoulder.

"Don't worry man, shes probably just on her period." i grease him off.


i stand by the food table. pumpkin pasties and stolen dessert from dinner sit half eaten around it. i didn't do anything. i wasn't in the mood to do anything, but watch Hermione dance in the middle of the floor. some people had gathered around to see her move, including a hammered Blaise trying to copy her dance. the door gets pushed open noisily. out from behind it walks a smug red headed boy and his famous sidekick (well i mean technically he is the sidekick). they walk up towards me, taking a shot of my spiked punch. this is going to be a long night.

"What do you want Weaslebee?"

"I just wanted to ask how the other night was? what did you do after we left... cuddled?"

"what did you do after you left.... cried, like a little girl?"

"Ay shut up!" Ronald snaps getting red in the face, "I'm curious?"

"why is it any of your business?" i ask. he laughs and looks at an obviously uncomfortable Potter. From behind them i see another vibrant red head and next to her, pushing through the crowd was Hermione.

"Whats going on here?" she asks.

"don't worry Hermione. Ron was just leaving!" i say. she nods her head and looks towards Ronald, knowing he would snap back.

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