Chapter 37

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Hermione's P.O.V

Today was the first Quidditch match of the year. it was really late considering it usually happens before Christmas break up yet, it was the first match of the season. it was Gryffindor vs Slytherin. i didn't really know who to go for. do i go for my boyfriend whom i love or my best friend who can win my house a lot of points? i was just going to cheer for everyone and see what happens. Madam Hooch had sent the players and ball high into the air. Harry and Draco were seekers, Ginny was a chaser and Ron was playing a beater instead of his usual keeper. i wonder why. Blaise and I were on the edge of each stadium quarter, so we could talk about the game. us being the only people in the friendship group that didn't play Quidditch. 

"who are you going for?"i ask. he scoffs. 

"slytherin duh! My best friend is on that team. plus its my house and plus me and Ginny aren't a couple yet."

"Yet?" i say nudging him with my elbow. he rolls his eyes and focus's on the game. I really should be doing the same but Ginny and Blaise relationship was a bit more interesting then flying balls. suddenly everyone gasps, even Blaise. i snap my focus to the game. "What? What?" i ask curiously, scanning the whole field to see what was going on. Ron was frantically chasing one if the bludges around and around the stadium. i was getting dizzy just watching him. soon after i realize what else he is frantically chasing. swinging the heavy metal ball in Draco's direction! 

"Oh on!" Blaise says quietly to me. i could tell there was fear in his voice. i couldn't look away. i was to scared that i was paralyzed. i couldn't talk and couldn't move. the only thing that was moving was my eyes trying to watch Draco, them the Bludger, then Ron and then Draco again. Madam Hooch was whistling like crazy on the ground. 

"STOP!" she called out but no one stopped. no one could stop. at least not the three people that Madam Hooch wanted to stop. everyone else was frozen in the air, dodging here and there when they needed to. then, Ron leaned forward on his broom, a wicked smile emerging upon his face. all our eyes grew wide. 

"Ron! Don't!" i scream out but he didn't listen. with a boost of speed, he flies at the bludger and knocks it towards Draco with a mighty swing. the whole audience gasps. some people scream, some people close their eyes, others grab out there camera to take a photo of it. and then it happened. 

"AH!" Draco screams. the bludger strikes him in the arm and zoomed off in the other direction as if it had ricochet off his arm. wailing in arm, he grabs his arm and falls to the side of his broom. 

"NO!" i scream. i see his eyes widen and with the hand that wasn't hit, he grabs the broom. his legs dangled 500 feet above the ground. my heart was beating so hard it could cause an earth quake. the whole crowd went silent. gritting his teeth, he wiggles his fingers and brings up his other hand to his broom. without anyone noticing, Ginny sweeps in under him, ready to catch him if he were to fall. and with one, painful pull, he brings his body up to the broom and wraps his legs around the stick. the crowd roars with cheer. i couldn't. i was so out of breath, all i could do was sigh. that was a close one. 


Draco was in the hospital wing, getting his arm fixed after that nasty bludger attack. i don't know how but Ron got let off with a warning. i had visited Draco in the hospital with Ginny, Blaise, the Slytherin Quidditch team and some of the Gryffindor players too. they just stood there and continuously apologized for Ron's behavior. it wasn't until Madam Pomfrey shooed us all out that i started walking towards Hagrid's again. i was surprisingly craving some of his gross cakes. as i was walking down i got a tap on the shoulder. startled, i spin around quickly. 

"Hey!" Ron says all bubbly. 

"hey?" i say both annoyed and curious. 

"Whats the matter? you seem annoyed?"

"Why do you think Ronald?" i say more bitchy this time. 

"You still don't forgive me for what i did?" i was shook. 

"You tried to sexually harass me, slept with another girl, called me countless amounts of names, embarrassed me in front of everyone, tried to hit me with a bottle, tried to break up me and Draco and pushed me off a moving staircase to my potential death!" i say. every time i said something i step a little closer to Ronald's not scared enough face.

"i thought we had gotten over that stuff!" he says giving me puppy dog eyes. i wasn't falling for anything. 

"You tried to kill Draco TODAY during the game!" he looks to the side and twiddles his thumbs. "Why would i ever forgive you?" i say. i turn around to walk off the Hagrid's but he grabs my arm before i could even take 2 steps. this is so familiar. 

"Because! the other day when my and pansy were trying to break you two up, not all that i said was made up. in fact i meant all of it!" i tried to think back to that day. it was only like 2 days ago but i tried to blank it out my memory and fill my mind with positive thoughts instead. 

"What?" i say.

"what I'm trying to say is... Hermione..."

DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUUN! i hate myself oh well. thx for reading chapter 37. if you enjoyed please don't forget to vote. i know i said the juicy stuff would be here but i wanted to add another cliffhanger because i love them so much. plus i want to make next chapter extra long to add in another thing that happens so then we can jump straight into the actual plot story problem thingy, yes. anyway don't forget to vote for this chapter and all other chapters and follow me as well so when i finish this story and write another one, you will get updates ❤😁 cya

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