Chapter Eight

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Kora's POV

It's fine. It's totally fine. There's nothing wrong.

I keep telling myself this as I walk back to my chamber, dagger still in hand, looking down to the ground.

It was just a kiss!

Why do I feel so unnerved? It can't be jealousy. I'm not a jealous person, I never have been. We just met.

It was just a kiss. He can kiss whoever he wants. That's not the problem at hand here, I know it isn't.

Then... Why is my mind yelling at me to be more upset than I am? I nearly scream in frustration by the time I'm back in my own chamber, slamming the huge gold-lined door behind me in the process.

It seems Azura isn't here anymore, which makes me feel much worse. I feel more alone, somehow. I peel off my dress and slip into the nightgown, plopping myself onto the bed.

Looking up at the ceiling, I think of Zac. The ceiling is painted, with green hills and flowers and two young children running through them happily, hand in hand. The sky is blue and clear, a little bird flying overhead. Back home, our ceiling was chipped and every time any of us painted it, it would always come off after it rained. The rain dripped right through and we'd forever be trying to put buckets under the dripping.

I guess there'll be none of that here. Zac would always help, though. Sometimes if the sink or toilets or pipes broke, he'd volunteer to fix it. He's so good at fixing things, I don't know how he does it. I remember when we were younger. He'd bring home paints and then we'd paint the walls of his house together, using our fingers because we couldn't afford brushes and I didn't want to use up any more of Zac's money.

I'd usually paint the night sky, often with a river reflecting a beautiful full moon. Or sometimes I painted fire, sparking and hissing in my own imagination, trying to replicate it to the terrifying one I experienced when I was younger. But other times I simply just painted my mother. It wasn't realistic, but the painting had her features and was a good lookalike.

I try to conjure up my mother now, trying hard to get all her freckles right, the exact lining of her facial features, but all I see is a haze. A soft outline of her, and nothing else. The image in my mind isn't nearly as detailed as I'd like.

Am I forgetting what she looks like? No, I can't be. I'm just tired, that's all. I'm sure everything will seem better in the morning.


"Wake up, Kora!"

My dreamless, peaceful sleep is interrupted by a loud, shrill noise. My vision is hazy for a few moments before I blink, trying to focus on the figure before me. Of course.

Azura, jittery as usual. And standing next to her is Delphine, expressionless as usual.

"Ugh. What is it?" I groan, beginning to get up.

"Tonight is the-" Azura worriedly begins, but Delphine cuts her off.

"Tonight is the Royal Conference. World leaders will come to Ignatia to greet the newly-chosen Dragon Bride tonight, and we have no time to waste."

"I- What?"

Of course a simple reply is clearly out of the question, so Azura drags me out of bed and practically locks me into my closet. OK, that's an exaggeration, but you get the idea. She's being even more neurotic than usual.

"Get into the best outfit you can find in there!" she calls out. I can hear Delphine sighing from in here. Oh Lord.

I rummage through, trying to find something that will "capture the much-desired attention of the renowned powerful world leaders," but have difficulty in finding something so... Attention-capturing.

"What exactly am I expected to wear?"

"Nothing exactly. Choose something you think these fancy Kings and Queens will like!" Azura calls out in response.

I pull out something heavy, expecting it to be one of the finer choices.

It's different, I'll give it that. The imprinted dragon scales that shimmer are definitely an added bonus. I decide to wear that and once it's on I emerge from the closet.

"Skies! You look incredible, Kora! But it could use some makeup and jewellery," Azura smiles. I nod simply, and Azura hurriedly does it up for me. Once the makeup is done, I quickly ask Delphine what's next.

"Nothing is next. Azura got you ready early so you can do whatever you like until seven. At that time, go to the Grand Hall," Delphine replies with a shrug. I nod.

Going to the royal gardens for the day it is then. I walk down to the ground floor of the palace and then to the royal gardens. They're so beautiful – colourful flowers, ornate fountains, and the most incredible scenery, overlooking the Capital City.

I sigh wistfully. My chest is knotted and my mind keeps wandering, and no matter how hard I try I can't get it to stop. The background flowing sound of water and the fountains soothes me, though, so I sit by the fountain – ignoring the droplets landing on my dress – and simply stare out into space.

This lasts approximately three seconds before I hear a voice clear their throat, and turn to see two very familiar-looking men.

Bob, and a slightly older man next to him. Who is that? He looks so familiar, but I can't seem to place it.

"Good morning, Kora. This is my- er, Prince Synn's uncle, ruler of the Oceania kingdom, King Aphrosis,"

"Oh! Good morning, Your Majesty,"

King Aphrosis smiles, "You can call me King Aph, Miss Moons,"

I smile back, "Oh, um- alright,"

King Aph has tan skin, darker than Bob's, and bright blue eyes similar to the ones Concubine Aria possessed. Of course. All water creatures have very distinct blue eyes.

Bob clears his throat, giving King Aph a piercing look. Why does he look so annoyed?

"Right well, we'll be off then-" he begins, before Aph cuts him off.

"Don't be ridiculous, Sy-"


"Uh, right, Bob. I think I have some matters to discuss with Kora here. Please set up a table for tea," he says, courteously enough. Once again, it seems that Bob holds an irritated glint in his eye that I can't place. What is wrong with him today?

Aph nods to me and leads me out to a little table and chairs, perfectly set out with flowers. As he sits down, a section of the table spins and suddenly, as if by magic, there is food on it. I gawp but don't waste time in eating as much of it as I can. I haven't eaten much these past few days. Hell, Prince Synn's week or so to decide whether he wants me or not is only a few days away now. I seriously need to get a move on.

Aph glances to where Bob disappeared, and then turns back to me.

"Apologies for the sudden change of plan, Kora. But there is something extremely important I need to tell you," he tells me, an urgent look in his eye.

It startles me, but I listen nevertheless, "Um, of course,"

"Synn is not just a dragon prince. He's also the heir to the throne of Ignatia's empire, which means he'll have immeasurable power. As you know, this country is incredibly powerful and influential. But he wasn't always in such a position. Before him, it was his older brother who was the heir to the throne," Aph explains, looking grave. Older brother? Why wasn't I told about this older brother?

"I know Xander, the younger one. He's away in Ampiria, isn't he? Isn't he the one you mean?"

Aph frowns, "No, Kora. Synn's older brother was Crown Prince Lucien. You see, he died. He died the most unforgettable death, and Synn has never been the same,"

"I... What?"

"Let me explain," he takes a deep breath, "Let me explain his hatred for the human species."

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