Chapter Nineteen

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Kora's POV

It's been about four days since... The incident. I feel awful for saying no, but what can I do? I can't very well lead an entire rebellion! I just can't. With what happened to Azura, I can't risk it. I'd never risk her life, not purposely.

And besides, despite me still being mad at Synn, I don't have it in me to kill him. And what of Delphine? Xander? I couldn't do it even if I wanted to at this point.

I sigh, remembering Aph's words. He's... He's been through so much pain. Imagine watching your brother being skinned alive by his own wife, and paralysed to do anything about it? I shudder at the thought.

These past few days have been absolute and utter hell. Aria and her gossipy little friends give me death stares in the hallways, probably because I had the nerve to try to save Azura when everyone could tell Aria wanted her dead. But this works out in my favour, doesn't it?

If you try to murder someone, having loose ends are very bad. And to Aria, Azura is very much a loose end.

Synn has tried persuading his father to let her go. I don't know what it is, but even though I'm not mad anymore, I still don't want to talk to him. Is that awful? I feel awful for thinking it. But even so, not talking to him feels even worse.

What the hell is wrong with me? Calm down, Kora. You're only stressed about it because he's become a close friend. But it's not only that – he saved my life. Twice, technically. First it was in the Elf canopy, and then when I went to Uncle Owen's house.

I hate owing him. I felt so dependant on him and now that we barely talk I feel so useless, like I have nothing to do all day. I think these past four days have been the worst since I arrived. The deafening silences have allowed me to drown in my poisonous thoughts, suffocating me.

"Kora? Hello? Are you there?" a voice speaks out, breaking through my thoughts.

I snap back to reality, to see Delphine sitting beside me in the Royal Quarter. I look around to see Regina Catania chatting away with a noblewoman, and the Queen sitting on her throne reading through her vellums.

"Eh- Er, yeah, what was that, Delphine?" I stutter.

She shakes her head at me, "I said, the week is coming to a close, but things have been delayed. The Prince's Choosing Ceremony will be some weeks from now,"

Surprised, I try to croak out a reply, "Wh- What? What day is it?"

"Saturday. Goodness, you really have lost all track of time, Kora!" she retorts, "You need to be more organised."

I manage to force out a laugh. "I'll try, although we both know I'm not as organised as you,"

Delphine smiles, "Charmer!"

The noblewoman says her goodbyes and heads out, and so Regina Catania approaches us.

"Good afternoon, Lady Kora, Your Highness." she says, bowing.

"Please, never call me Lady Kora ever again!" I laugh.

Regina Catania smiles at me, sitting beside me. "But my lady, you're my equal, aren't you?"

"Your equal? But you're the second most powerful woman in the palace, next to Regina Anvika!" I repeat, incredulous.

"And? You are soon to wed our Prince, which is far more important than an empress such as myself," she says graciously. Regina Catania is by far one of the few kind empresses. Most are overridden by greed and spite and jealousy. I can't believe she's Crowned Concubine Giulia'a half-sister. She's nothing like that spiteful, awful woman.

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