Chapter Twenty-Four

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Synn's POV

"I'm sorry, Azura. They're still not back," I croak out.

Azura's eyes dull and her stance drops. "She's alive, Your Highness. She must be. She won't go down like that, I know her. Haven't the search team heard of them?"

I shake my head, feeling suffocated. The King has already told me to be prepared for the worst. I'm sure he'd chorus in celebration if Kora really went missing. But Azura's right – that girl is like a cockroach. She just doesn't die.

Well, perhaps describing her as a cockroach isn't the best analogy, but you get what I mean.

"Your Highness?" a voice says urgently from behind me.

I turn to see Guardsman Kyros, looking frantic. "Yes, Guardsman?"

"Her Ladyship and Royal Guard have returned, Your Highness,"

I feel my eyes widen as I stare at Kyros, unable to move for half a second. That is, before I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and exclaim before I can stop myself. "Kora! She's back! Oh my Lord, Kora's back!"

Kora's POV

I steady Koniel, who can barely walk on his own. I've no idea how he went venturing for Evanora's ingredients in this state. His stomach wound has become worse but now that we're back at the palace he'll be treated and brought back to normal in no time. I look up to the palace grounds. For a moment, it's completely empty, and I can't help but wonder if anyone had even noticed our arrival. Or our absence.

But then a guardsman, Synn and Marisol come rushing out from different places and all come bounding like rabid animals towards us. I freeze, finding myself embraced in her arms.

"I missed you too!" I croak out. The palace tiles shimmer, reflecting the sun's light directly into my eyes, half blinding me.

Marisol finally releases me, still smiling, "We thought you were dead, Kora!"

Koniel coughs.

"And you too!"

Synn rolls his eyes, standing awkwardly to the side. It's clear he's not so great at emotional reunions, because he couldn't look more uncomfortable as he tries to word his sentence.

"Er, well, Kora, the thing is, I... Mis- Missed you," he finally coughs out.

I smile at him playfully, not willing to let his discomfort go unnoticed.

"Well, I m- m- missed y- y- y- you t- too, Synn," I mock, my voice going extra wavery for good measure.

He narrows his eyes at me, "I take back what I said. Go get lost in the forest again,"

"Aw, that's harsh, isn't it?" I tease, and find myself hugging him. Just to annoy him of course.

We both chuckle and he hugs me back, properly this time. We only embrace for a few seconds but when we finally do break apart, I notice the look on everyone's faces.

The "aww, they're so cute" kind of look.

The look that the villagers back home gave me and Zac whenever they saw us together.

In fact, now that I recall it, everyone thought Zac and I would get married someday.

"They're perfect for each other, really!"

"They'd be the best-looking couple in the city!"

"Honestly, when will you two make it official?"

Zac and I heard those words all the time. And as I think back to the kiss on the night of the Centennial Selection, I can't help but wonder what Zac really thought of it all. Of the idea of us. Together. I shake away the thought – it's so strange to think about, then and especially now.

"Come on in. The King and Queen have been so worried about you," Marisol says shakily. We all know that's not strictly true, but anyone could be listening and insulting the King or Queen could land us in big trouble.

King Isin definitely wasn't worried. If anything, he was probably hoping I'd get mauled by wolves or bitten by a fracko frog in those woods. Or perhaps he'd just hoped the Crimsons would finish us off.

I suddenly jolt when I remember.

The Crimsons!

They'd said their victims were me, the King, and a Regina.

Which one? Why? Who hired them? Who would have enough coins to hire the best assassins in the kingdom to murder royalty? That's quite the sum.

"Kora?" Synn says, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"They're going to attack," I whisper, incredulous.

"What? Who?" Marisol questions.

Koniel looks to me, and I know from his gaze he knows exactly what I'm talking about. I sigh, shaking my head and hitting it with my palm in frustration. Goddammit!

"The Crimsons! They were hired to kill the King and a Regina," I groan, "Th- They're going to attack the palace, and I-"

"They targeted Kora too," Koniel interrupts, narrowing his eyes at me.

"They what?" Synn repeats, looking to Koniel. "What do you mean?"

"The client – the person who signed the contract – hired them to kill Kora, a Regina, and the King,"

I breathe. I'm targeted.

Someone has tried to assassinate me.

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