Chapter Forty-One

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Kora's POV

One day until the choosing ceremony. Practically my whole life leading up to this moment, and it's only a day away now. There's so much to think about – if Synn chooses me, I'm going to be officially part of the royal family.

I'm going to be a princess.

Me, a princess!

Just the idea of it has me laughing at myself. And then there's the alternate scenario – he has a sudden change of heart and decides not to choose me.What happens to me then? I'll get killed, most probably.

I don't know what to think of any of it. My fate, my future, my life, all in the hands of a dragon. The creature I once hated with every cell in my human body. Funny how things can change so drastically.

I lay in bed, sleep-deprived and anxious. How do I even get through today without melting through the floorboards? I groan, a hand over my face.

"Enough with your theatrics," a voice snaps. I look up to see Delphine, looking back at me with a disgust I've never seen on her before.

"What?" I say, more than a little defensively, "Do you have a problem?"

"Not at all. Apart from the fact that it's half past twelve, Kora!" she exclaims.

"I'm... Still sleepy?" I try.

"No, you're not. You're scared out of your mind, for once in your life. And you know what?" she says.


"I don't think it's your life you're scared for. It's the idea of Synn rejecting you that's making you act like this, isn't it?"

I sit straight immediately, beginning to get out of bed, "Of course it's not." I retort.

Delphine smirks, "Sure thing, Moons."

I ignore her. What a presumption to make! Of course that's not the reason I'm sca- wait a second, I'm not scared, goddammit!

Oh, just shut up Kora, I snap at myself. My thoughts are so scattered I swear my head will tear apart and leave me aimless. Going insane isn't so bad, right? Azura seems OK... That reminds me. I haven't seen Azura since last night, when I went to the date with Synn. What happened to her?

"Have you seen Azura?" I ask Delphine, beginning to get up.

"That's good way to try and change the subject, Moons. But, no, I haven't seen her," Delphine says, "Why? Didn't she sleep here, with you?"

I decide not to tell her about where exactly I was.

"I went on a long walk to clear my head. When I came back, Azura wasn't there but I figured she was either on the balcony or gone to the toilet. I hit the mattress and fell asleep within seconds,"

The last part is true. Missing quite a few hours of sleep, I made the best of it, but by the time the sun began to rose I couldn't go back to sleep no matter how exhausted I was.

"Hmm. You should go look for her," Delphine tells me softly. We both know this isn't good. Azura's still got a few months to live, and the royal healer has some herbs that can further prolong her life.

But if she does something stupid now...

Pexoyusl can cause other side effects, like depression and suicidal thoughts. So far I've seen neither in Azura. Can someone change their mental state so quickly? Over one night? I try not to think of the possibility.

I begin to get up, wash and dress. By the time I'm done it's quarter past one.

I search the corridors, to no avail. If I'm late for breakfast, the Queen will no doubt make a mental note of it and use it against me. But Azura's safety is more important.

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