Chapter Twelve

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Kora's POV

It's definitely not a date.

I mean... This... This isn't what I was expecting. I wanted it to be just Synn and I, so that I could show him the sights and introduce him to all sorts of people.

But now? Now, both Royal Guard Aurelia and Royal Guard Koniel are here, along with Azura for good measure. Oh, Gods give me strength today. The two royal guards stand beside Synn with focused eyes, Azura next to them bobbing up and down excitedly with a huge cheshire-cat grin.

"Well? Lead the way, Kora," Synn says simply, face blank. I sigh and turn around, beginning to walk forward.

"Are you sure about this, Your Highness? The dragon bride could be up to no good. Do you really want to put so much trust in her?" I hear Royal Guard Aurelia whisper to Synn.

There is a moment of silence before Synn speaks out, "Do not question me, Aurelia."

"Yes, Your Highness."

I have to say, Aurelia has my respect – she's one of the most focused and able soldiers in the royal guard unit. Sure, she's incredibly doubtful of me, but that technically adds to her ability, I suppose.

I lead them all out of the gates – through a side-gate as Synn doesn't want everyone to know about this little trip – and closer to the woods.

"You're not actually trying to get His Highness in the woods, are you?" Aurelia asks, sounding suspicious.

"Of course not. But I know the woods inside out and I'll have a better clue of where we're going if we stick along the perimeter of it,"

Royal Guard Koniel nods in approval. The sky is an azure blue, close to no clouds floating within it, the Capital City stretching out before us. It's so beautiful, each and every little house reflected by the sun's rays so early in the morning.

Ignatian house rooves are made of these iridescent screens. The light they reflect help concentrate magiks and make spells more precise. That's why most ordinary people don't use their magiks in the night – there's no sunlight to reflect off of the roofs.

Higher magiks beings don't have to worry about that, though, because they have built up enough magiks concentration in their blood to use it when there's a lack of sunlight. In fact, some creatures derive power from the night more so.

I look over to the City Square now, smiling proudly at the little huts that some friends live in, or at the bakery, or the fountain.

"What are you grinning all creepy like that for?" Azura asks unknowingly, earning a stifled laugh from Koniel, an eye-roll from Aurelia and still absolute silence from Synn.

"Because, Azura, we're nearly there!" I grin, and turn to the village. It's really so beautiful.

"Kora?" Synn says suddenly, making me jump. He presses a hand to the small of my back. I feel myself go warm, and memories of the cave come rushing back, causing my cheeks to burn.

"Uh- Yes?"

"What's going on? You seem anxious," he comments.

I take a deep breath, "Sorry. It's just... It's a lot. Everything's just toppling down on me, I suppose,"

He seems confused, but doesn't question it. We're walking in front, out of earshot from the others.

"I understand," he says softly. Synn isn't one for many words. I smile, enjoying the comfortable silence, because I haven't gotten much of that recently. I know in that moment, as Synn squeezes my hand, he wants me to feel safe. And despite the warning bells going off inside my head, I honestly do.

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