Chapter Forty-Five

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Synn's POV

The world itself seems to be sitting in front of me, hundreds of people, from all over the globe stand and smile as they watch.

My own mind is swirling with anxiousness, but I can't let that show. Not now. Today is the day I have to seem sturdier than ever.

But how can I? So much can go wrong. And as for Kora...

I take a deep breath, remembering the meteor shower. Everything seemed so much simpler then.

I look to Xander. He stands next to me, his gaze far-off. I wonder what he must be thinking. Then I look to Delphine. She may only be my stepsister, but she's the only sister I've ever known. And I guess I'm pretty lucky to have her, as weird as she can be.

I wonder what Lucien would think of Kora. Would he like her?

Probably – she's just like the fiery heroines he'd read me stories about when we were younger. Courageous, charismatic, and chaotic.

What appears to be millions of guardsmen all assemble at the ends of the courtyard, looking straight ahead with almost unmatchable focus.

Royal Guard Aurelia and Royal Guard Koniel stand beside the King and Queen, emotionless.

There's a spark of contempt in Mother's eye as she catches a glimpse of Koniel. I frown at the sight of it. What is she thinking? Mother gives a meaningful look to the empresses, Regina Giulia in particular.

She smiles back, nodding. Concubine Penelope tightens her grip on Regina Giulia's hand. What is Her Majesty scheming now? I shake my head, ignoring it.

Whatever it is, it musn't ruin today. Not in front of so many people.

The courtyard is lit up by blue and purple lanterns, Ignatia's national colours. Their light will show up properly at night, but for now they nicely decorate the place alongside the dragonfruit baskets and ribbons and bunting and the petals strewn strewn across the pathway.

It's customary for the dragon bride to walk across the petal-covered pathway, through the crowds of people, up the stairs, onto the platform and beside Lord Meermin, ready for the High Priest to begin his choosing ceremony speech.

This is then followed by the King, a short speech by the Queen, and then the Crown Prince makes his decision.

There are two rings sitting on two different cushions. One has a purple gem with tiny blue crystals encrusted next to it, and the second is ruby red. The Prince has to cast a telekinesis spell, which means that he chants an incantation to make the ring he wants glow and hover in the air.

If he chooses the purple gemstone, he wants the dragon bride. But if he chooses the red, he doesn't want her.

If he does choose her, there are two rituals that need to take place; the dragon bride needs a drop of her blood to fall onto the black pearl for the next Centennial Selection, when she'll be Queen. And then the Crown Prince and his newfound fiancée have to go around the country on a Betrothal Tour, visiting the different Lords' mansions in a perfect circle around the kingdom.

Once they're back, it's up to the King and Queen how long until they feel their new princess is ready to take on responsibilities as a Queen.

Once Lord Meermin is finished with his speech, King Isin steps forward. I find just enough energy in myself to force down a yawn. How long until the choosing? It seems like hours go by before suddenly the King's voice has stopped talking and I hear the trumpets sound, shortly accompanied the rest of the royal band. The Ignatian anthem.

Has the Queen refused to give a speech?

Everyone stands up and sings along. I quickly look to Regina Anvika. She never actually sings the anthem, she just murmurs along to it.

I find nothing wrong with this, and His Majesty couldn't care less, but the Queen shoots her a dubious look every time.

Regina Anvika ignores her glances in the most respective way possible. I oddly find myself respecting her for it. Cheeking the Queen in a way that she can never get in trouble for. Genius.

But as I look at her now, she doesn't seem to acknowledge her own mastermind. Instead, Regina Anvika looks queasy, as if she needs to lie down. Is she sick?

"O, our righteous majesty,
When rain pours on us,
Guide us through thick and thin,
Revive the glory of our draconic skin."

"O, our motherland, Ignatia,
Non lasciare che trovino la copia,"

As the anthem draws to a close, I hold my breath. Kora should be coming soon.

Any time now, the palace doors will fly open to reveal her, walking towards the platform. Towards me.

But it doesn't happen.

Two seconds pass. Three seconds pass.

It seems like an eternity passes by before I begin to feel like my entire body is soaking in boiling water. When will she come? Will she ever? Or... Has she changed her mind?

It's then I realise; it was never me making the choice. From the moment I met her I knew there was no way in hell I could ever have her killed. But perhaps I just never bothered to measure her level of indifference towards me.

Perhaps, this whole time, I've been too blinded by my own selfish thinking I didn't realise that maybe Kora never felt anything for me. That all I am is an inconvenience.

It was her making the choice. The choice of whether to stay or not. I suppose, now, she's made it.

And she hasn't picked me.

The tension in the air is thick. Everyone's getting restless as they wait for the dragon bride. But, no matter how hard I will for her to walk through those doors, it just won't happen.

What could possibly be going on right now? Has she really walked out? On the choosing ceremony, on Ignatia, on me? Is Kora really capable of doing that?

Millions of questions buzz in my mind as my eyes begin to flicker in alarm.

I glare at Mother. Did she have something to do with this? Has she worked with Regina Giulia and Concubine Penelope to somehow sabotage Kora? I knew the Queen never liked Kora, but I didn't think she'd go to this extent.

Or perhaps everything's fine, and I'm just overreacting?

No, judging by the King's face, Kora is definitely taking an abnormally long amount of time to appear. I bite my lip anxiously.

When, Kora? When, when, when?

Perhaps never.

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