Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Zac's POV

The place is silent when I arrive. They're all staring at me like I'm an alien. I walk ahead, avoiding eye contact with as many of them as possible. There's so many more than I thought there'd be.

I catch sight of them, sitting at the end, chatting. I go towards them.

"Crowned Concubine Velia," I turn, "Concubine Marisol."

Velia nods simply, "You're Zac-"

"Zac Cross," I say quickly, "It's Zac Cross now."

"The son of MP Malia Cross?"

My mother. She marries and remarries, changing her husbands as quickly as she changes her opinions on my life choices. Sometimes I hate her for it, but sometimes I couldn't care less. If prioritising everything else but me is what keeps her sane then so be it.

"Y- Yes,"

"You'll be a fantastic addition to the PRA," Velia concludes, and then nods to an assistant I don't recognise, who hands me some papers.

"We've already tested your combat skills. They're above average, and if we can train you up, you'll be exemplary,"

"Thank you,"

"Sign this oath. Once you're done, we'll slit your finger to allow a drop of your blood for the bloodbinding spells,"

"Bloodbinding? Isn't that black magiks?" I question. Black magiks is illegal, last I checked.

Velia doesn't reply, and neither does her assistant, simply handing me the form. I read it through. It all seems reasonable, although quite harsh.


Zac Graham Cross

If you wish to join the Phoenix, you must be committed and willing to sacrifice, whether it be lives or rights. You may not marry during the time period of rebellion. You will be addressed by your rank, whether you're a Soldier, Sergeant, Commander, etc.

You will be assigned a cell division to work in. If you fail in any way, your cell commander will be held responsible and you will be punished accordingly. You have a responsibility to your cell, your rebellion and the entire country to exceed your limits in every fashion. Failure will not be accepted. You must follow orders from your superiors at all times, no matter the circumstances.

This bloodbinding spell will loosely bind you to every monitor in our esteemed organisation of the PRA. Please keep in mind this is for protection and security purposes only.


Signed by: Zac Graham Cross
Witnesses: Elin Zhu-Huang Iceni Forsnarr
Leaders: Velia Serac Marisol Doran

And that's that. Once a drop of my blood is collected and stored, I'm now part of the PRA. Now one of the largest rebellions in Ignatian history.

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