Chapter Twenty-One

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Kora's POV

The streets of the Capital City seem so odd to look at now. Some of the places we pass are places I only seem to gain very minimal recollection of. When I try to conjure it up in my head, I end up with a fuzzy picture with very few details, nothing compared to the real thing.

Everything seems murkier, dirtier, more roguish than I feel used to anymore. I guess living in the luxury of the palace leaves lingering effects. The houses are spaced tightly together, the walls on the outside ripping off.

There are women washing clothes in a huge metallic bowl, scrubbing so hard it seems their arms might just fall off. There are a few kids laughing and chasing each other, and although at first sight it seems quite normal, if you look closely, you can see the desperation in the mothers' eyes, the hollowness of the children's stomachs, the dragon soldier at the end, checking the streets intimidatingly as they tap their electric bats against their palms in a condescending manner.

"What's with the soldiers?" I whisper to Synn.

"We may be on the verge of war-"

"War?" I repeat, staring at him wide-eyed.

"Yes, war. Against the country of Grigolia," Synn replies. Grigolia doesn't really belong to any particular creature. It's known for diversity, actually, but the King of Grigolia is known to be a tyrant.

"Grigolia... They're strong," I comment, biting my lip. I can't help but imagine the scene of fire burning down houses, of screams of children and adults alike, of terrifying soldiers who shoot the people you love. I shudder. I have a problem. I need to forget it. It was a long time ago. I'm just being an idiot.

Now shivering slightly, I find myself nearing Synn. Where are all my previous thoughts gone? Of how cruel and evil dragons are?

But as I look at Synn, I know he isn't cruel or evil, despite the unfair things he said a few days ago. He's definitely misled, grown up to think things the way his father does. The way his older brother was supposed to. I'm suddenly reminded of Lucien's story, and for a moment I can't shake the feeling of uneasiness for the first time since I've heard it. That something doesn't add up about that tale. That there's something missing, something important.

"Lost in thought?" Synn questions.

I nod solemnly, suddenly feeling too weary to reply. My entire mood has just shifted.

"What's wrong, Kora?"

I shrug, noticing Synn roll his eyes as I do. "Stubborn, as usual. Something is clearly bothering you."

"It's nothing, Synn,"

There is a moment of silence as we keep walking, Koniel and Aurelia walking behind us tentatively as they survey the surroundings with disgust on their faces.

"You know," Synn pipes up suddenly, "You have this pouty face when you're annoyed. It's funny."

I scowl at him, which only makes him chuckle at me fondly. Irritated even more, I cross my arms, which seems to amuse him more.

"Your new nickname is definitely the Grumpmeister," he remarks, properly laughing now. I wrinkle my nose.

"That sounds ridiculous. Well your new nickname is..." I try to recall what's irritated him in the past, "The Cutinator,"

He frowns at me, which makes me smile triumphantly, but then he smiles too.

"What kind of pathetic nickname is that?"

I laugh, "Yours is worse!"

We're practically laughing our heads off by the time we reach a sudden clearing among grass, farmhouses stretched out miles away.

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