Chapter Eleven

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Kora's POV

The night is strangely warm as I run out of the palace, trying to steady my breaths. The woods are right in front of me. If I keep running, I'll be free. I can go home. So I do.

I run and run, deeper and deeper into the night. But I don't get very far.

"Kora? What's happened?"

Seraph appears right in front of me, his face creased with worry. I struggle to contain my own despair.

"Prince Synn..."

"What about him?"

I look up to Seraph, pain streaked across my face, "Er, well... He lied to me. He kind of- well, pretended to be a royal guard..."

I try not to laugh in incredulity at the situation. Realisation dawns on Seraph's face. He frowns as he approaches me. To my surprise, Seraph pats me on the head, pity shining in his eyes. For a moment, I'm confused, but then I just accept it.

But then I hear a roar. A dragon's roar. He jumps, looking behind him to see the biggest, most terrifying creature.

It is huge, bigger than the both of us. Its scales are dark as night, a pitch demonic black illuminated with a purple glow, its eyes as cold as ice, electric blue radiating off its skin.

 Its scales are dark as night, a pitch demonic black illuminated with a purple glow, its eyes as cold as ice, electric blue radiating off its skin

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It has fury in its eyes. Pitch black fury.

"Leave, Synn! Haven't you done enough?" Seraph yells, his own eyes beginning to burn up and produce smoke. It seems there's more behind his words than what I can understand.

The dragon roars, "Get out of my way, Ssssseraphinus!"

Its voice sends a chill down my spine. It doesn't sound like him. I cower away without thinking, biting my lip to stop the tears flowing. The dragon looks to me.

Its face is unreadable for a moments, before its expression seemingly falls. No. How can a creature like this one show such pain on its face? Is Prince Synn really all that hurt that I'm scared of him?

I take a deep breath and step in front of Seraph, crossing my arms, but then Seraph steps in front of me again. I grit my teeth.

"Leave, Sssseraph! You will make this worse!"

"Oh, is that so? Because I believe that I'm not the one who lied to this girl,"

The dragon grunts. "Get out of the way. That isssss an order,"

Its voice is serpentine, deep, each syllable low and resonant. It's almost as if two voices are speaking at once.

Seraph begins, "A gentleman wouldn't-"

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