A G-Ghost!!

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There's a rumor in our school about a ghost of a girl.

Meh, I don't believe in any of this. It's fake and it's just used to scare people. There's no such thing such as ghost.

Anyway, I'm gonna unpack my things at the dorm. I had applied there since my house is far away from this school.

My room number is 48? Oh there it is.

I don't have any roommate I guess cause there's no one here and it doesn't have any things.

__at midnight

I can't sleep. *sigh*I'll just go on a walk even though we're not suppose to.

I walk until I reach outside. I don't get caught cause the security is asleep there.

Just then, I see a girl wearing white dress sitting by herself outside while staring at the sky.

"Alone?" I say while I sit next to her.

"What are you doing here?" She asks.

"I can't sleep,"

"Aren't you afraid of the ghost?"

"Why would I? It's just a fake rumor,"

"So will you get scared if I tell you that I'm a ghost?"

I look at her confusedly. I start to stare at her face. It's pale as in very pale. She had a back eye too. Also, not forgot to mention that she's pretty and cute even though her face are like that.

I shook my train of thoughts. Yeah, I know I'm gay but I shouldn't think like this to a girl I had just met.

"I don't believe in such thing. Plus you're too pretty to be a ghost," I accidentally blurted out the second sentence.

"Haha, if only being pretty won't make me a ghost,"

I stared at her again in confusion. Why does she say such thing? She's a human, right?

"Do you wanna help me?" She asks me.

"Help you what?"

"Find the one who killed me,"

"A-are you s-serious?"

"I told you I'm a ghost. The ghost that everyone talked about,"

Okay, I start to freak out right now. My hands are shaking in fear.

"I-its late. I uh, I have to go now,"

"But you said that you're not sleepy," suddenly her voice seems scary to me.

I fake a yawn and continue to talk,

"I felt sleepy now,"

"Ahn Yujin.  I'm not stupid, I know you're scared of me right?"

"N-no,I'm n-not," yes I am and how the hell does she know my name? It's creeping me out. Mom help ,I'm scared!

"Don't lie Yujin. I can read your thoughts,"

"I'm sorry please don't kill me. I still wanna live," I beg her in an instant.

"I'm not that type of ghost. But Yujin, please help my find the killer,"

"I-I will but promise me you won't kill me,"

"Can you talk to me like you're talking to another human? It's just that I felt uncomfortable when you talk to me with the scared feeling,"

She doesn't sound so scary after all. She was a human before too anyway.

"I'll t-try,"

"Call me Wonyoung," she say as she flash me a smile.

Omo, she's cute. Wait what?! There's no way I'm falling for a ghost.

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