Unexpected Confession

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Wait, is that Yujin's wallet?! How is she going to buy groceries?! She must run back all the way here to get this wallet.I have to give this to her.

She must be at the only supermarket near this place. I'll go there.

I walk by passing the abandoned park, it's very quiet and creepy . No one dares to go there but whatever,I'm a ghost anyway.

(In this story, a ghost can only teleport as far as they can see. They can't go farther than that)

I am passing by the park and I hear voices. Eomma, I'm scared. Please help meeeeeeeeee.

No way, I'm a ghost too. I can do this.

Just as I am about to take another step, the voice shouts,

"(Some blabbering nonsense that Wonyoung can't properly hear)..........,Wonyoung!"

I collapse to the ground. How can the ghost know my name? Now, I'm really scared.

I think that it's Yujin's voice. That must be her!

I bravely walk toward the voice and you,it is Yujin.

She's talking by herself. I'll just gonna listen I know that it's an eavesdropping her but let's just say that I'm listening to her.


"What did you done to me ???Wonyoung!!!" I shouts eventhough no one's listening ( that's what Wonyoung heard before)

"Why do I felt nervous around her? Why do I felt like I want to take care of her? Why does it hurt when I saw her cry? Why do I felt like there's butterfly in my stomach when I'm with her?"

"I think I, I'm not really sure but, I think I love you. I know that we're different but I can't stop myself from falling in love,can I? I'm talking to myself like crazy because of her. I should stop now,"

Back Wonyoung.pov

I can hear everything she said clearly. Who is that girl she mentions?! I swear I'll haunt her if I know her!(Wonyoung is very clueless as you can see)

Hmmm,she didn't meet any girl when there's only both of them except....

That girl! The one whom get bullied! It must be her! Just wait! I'll make you traumatise!

I'll just give this wallet to her and go home.

*sigh*I wish I never eavesdrop her. It hurts very much knowing that she loves someone else.

I hid behind an enormous tree as I saw Yujin walks away.

I follow her and she's walking to the supermarket.

This is the right timing to give her,her wallet.

I walk to her and give the wallet without saying anything.

"Oh thanks Wonyoung-ie. I forgot about this wallet,"

I didn't reply instead, I walk away from her.


Looks like she's going back to her cold mood. Why's she changing her mood too fast?

I thought she said ghost doesn't have any 'time of the month'?

Jeez ,I can't understand her. Well, we only know each other for a few days anyway.

Later on,I'll know a bit more about my crush. I'm too whipped for sure.

I hope we'll get along after this. She looks like in a bad mood right now. She might be sulking in the dorm.

Now, the only think I have to worry about is, I have to think of a way to lift up her mood. Aigoo, even my crush is giving me a hard time.

👻 👻 👻 👻 👻 👻 👻 👻 👻


Wonyoung looks like a jealous girlfriend trying to control what's hers here😂......

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