Her bestfriend

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Yay! The best time at school, Lunch break!

Me and Yujin walk into the cafeteria. It's crowded in here,too many students.

"Wonyo, can you eat?"

"Of course I can. Even if I'm like this,It still the same like before when I was still alive,"

"Oh,I'm gonna eat with my friends so I have to act like you're not there. Cause if they find me talking to nothing,they might think I'm weird, "

Yeah, I'm just a 'nothing' to normal human. They can't see me anyway. Even Yujin was scared at the first time.

"That's fine,"

We walk to a table with the girl that I said I know her which is 'Nako' if I'm not mistaken and 8 other friends. So, Yujin do recognise all of them.

"Eyyy! Yujin is here," a girl looks like a duck announces to all of her friends.

"Eo!Yujin. Do you found her already?" Asks Nako.

I think she meant the 'her' as me.

"No,I think I'll meet her bestfriend later,"

"Who are you talking about?" A girl in the senior uniform says.

"Uh, it's a student named Wonyoung,"

"Oh! The one whom absent for the whole two weeks?!" Another girl wearing a cute frog hair clip exclaims.

"Ehh? How come do you know about her?" A girl with an angelic face asks.

"Don't you remember? Eunbi , Minju and Yuri are in the student council," I explains.

"Ah! I remember now," she replies.

"Excuse me, who's Ahn Yujin from class *****?" Interrupts a voice.

All of us look at the owner of the voice.

"I'm Yujin and who are you?" Yujin asks as she raises her hand.

"Ah! Annyeonghaseyo sunbae. I'm Wonyoung's bestfriend, Huening Kai. My classmate informed to me that you were looking for Wonyoung yesterday am I right?"(let's just say Huening Kai is the same age as Wonyoung here okay)

"Oh you must be Wonyoung's classmate,"

"Yeah and may I know the reason you're looking for her?"

"It's uh, she still had my stuff with her and I need it back so I was looking for her. Anyway, do you know where she is right now?" Yujin asks.

"Unfortunately, she hadn't come for 2 weeks and I can't reach her nor her family but I was thinking maybe we could look for her together,"

"That's nice of you but how about if you found her tell me and vice versa,"

"Oh that's good sunbae. Here's my contact, just tell me if you found her," he give a paper to Yujin and walk away.

"Why are you all looking at me like that?" Yujin asks as all of the girls look at her weirdly.

"Don't you recognize him?" Questions a girl with adorable cheeks.

"He's Wonyoung's bestfriend as you can hear earlier,"

"That's all you know?"

"Yeah, wae?"

"How come you don't know him?!"an abnormally beautiful girl with a perfect face proportion asks indisbelief.

"What about him?"

"He's the son of the owner of this school! Your lucky you talked to him earlier! Also you got his number," says a girl that doesn't look like Korean but pretty,very pretty.

"Owh! Then why would he call me sunbae? Why does he have to be polite?"

"That's one of his charms as what his saesaengs said. He's always polite to everybody because he's not spoiled like other rich kids, "says a girl with a girl-crush looks.

"Oh,so Wonyoung have a good friend.
That's good to hear," mumbled Yujin but only I can hear it cause her friends are busy talking or bickering or playing with each other.

Tsk,what a loud group. I guess Yujin is not a lonely person as I thought before.

Glad, she manage to have reliable friends but her friends is a bit no make that a lot too.....

Pretty and cute.

*pouts* I wonder if Yujin likes one of them. That can't be! I won't let it be like that!

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