Revenge 😎

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There she is! Looks like her class have p.e lesson today.

All of the students wearing p.e attire gather around a coach.

"As you've been told,we're gonna play basketball for boys and netball for girls. So now go get the basket balls and netball!" Orders the coach.

Two boys run to one of a room inside the gym and one boy get out with a two balls in his hand,netball and basketball. Meanwhile the other boy carrying vests.

"Group yourselves in 4 groups. Two groups for boys and 2 groups for girls. Each group must have 10 members (netball have 7 members. 2 others can be extras but Idk about basketball though so...yeah),"

They form into 4 groups as what the teacher commanded and the two boys earlier give the veast to everyone except for extras.

Good,Gyuri wears the C vest. It's easier to do the revenge then. She walks to her position and her team starts first.

"Gyuri! Catch!" One of her teammates says as she throws the ball to her.

I messed up the ball's direction so she can't catch which makes her loose her balance and eventually fall down and she did.

"Ahhhh!" She yells in pain.

I think she sprained her ankle cause she holds her leg tightly and she looks like she almost cry cause her tears visible in her eyes.

"Omo,stop! Gyuri fell down!" A girl says.

The coach run to her and command two of her teammates to bring her to the clinic.

Okay that was fun and now my revenge is done😏.

I'll go to the garden to take some air after the whole drama.

(Sorry to Gyuri's fan *bows 90°*. Wonyoung is being jealous here)


It's break time but Wonyoung still hasn't come which is good for me to have my revenge😏.

There he is! He's walking to the cafeteria.  Hmm, I think my plan will work.

I finish off my ba-banana (reveluv mode😅) and  intentionally drops the banana peel on the floor.

He doesn't watch out his step and accidentally stepped on the banana peel.

Just as planned,he fell down and everyone focus on him because of the loud noise from the sound he fell down.

I control myself from bursting out. It's very funny ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ.

He quickly stand up while rubs his back and apologises,

"Jeosonghabnida, please continue what you're doing,"

Some of the students laugh at him but his annoying saesaengs let out a worried rants such as,

"Oppa,are you okay?" How can someone be okay after getting ashamed by the whole school? Think pls

"Omo! Do you want me to bring you to the clinic oppa?" Nah,he hurts his back but he doesn't break his leg. You should notice that

"That must be hurt badly. I hope you're okay oppa," But I want him to get hurt more tho.

"Which doofus do this to my oppa?!" It's me b***h.

"Oh no! Oppa, where does it hurt?" Can't you see that he's rubbing his back?! Are you T H A T blind?

And more other nonsense.......

Pshh,so annoying. Whatever, my revenge is done here.

I better go to my class now.

Btw where's Wonyo? I hope she doesn't saw me doing that or she'll get mad for sure.

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That's it for their revenge........

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