Our date #2

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"Wonyo,wait for me here. I need to do something before we go to another place for our date so don't wander around okay," Yujin says.

"Waeyoo? Can't I come with you?" I whines.

"No,you can't," she remark.

I guess my aegyo aren't effective anymore *pouts*

She walks away without looking back.

What is she going to do? What's soo important that even I can't come?

Ahn Yujin,you're the one who told me to stick closely to you yet you're the one whom leave me here.

I'm dying to know but I'll just obey what she said.


Here it is! I walk inside a place.

"You must be the one whom called me earlier right? Ahn Yujin?" A guy looks like he's in his 50s says to me.

"Yes it's me that called you. Is it finished already?" I question him.

"Yes it does Miss Ahn. Here it is,"he replies.

He hands the stuff to me and I pay for the price of the stuff.

"She's a pretty girl. Is she perhaps your girlfriend?" He asks.

I hesitate to answer but,

"Yes she is," I smile as I think of her.

"You must have love her very much,"

I didn't reply but I just smile while nodding.

"I have to go now. Thank you," I excuse myself.

"Your welcome,"

I quickly get out of the place and head to Wonyo before she gets mad.

"Wonyo!" I greet her as I flash a smile to her.

"What's that?" She pose a question while examining what I am holding but it's useless cause the thing is covered fully.

"I'll show you as soon as we arrive at the next destination,"

"Then let's go!" She drags me out to the bus station.

We take a bus for our next destination.

"Here we are," I announce to her.

Those bus ride was hard. Wonyo kept on trying to see what's the thing I'm holding.

It's a cinema place in Daehan Cinema complex in Chungmoro.(it does exist okaaay I'm not making this up)

"Cinema?" She asks and I nod in response.

"Then can I see the thing that you hold now?" She asks excitedly.

"No,I'll show it later,"

She pouts but I act like I never notice it.

We watch a movie together.

I excuse myself again and tell her to continue to watch the movie.

I use the stair to the 8th floor.


*sigh* why is she acting weirdly today?

This is the second time she excuse herself to do something.

The movie ended but Yujin still not here.

Is she leaving me here? Is she going to abandon me because she hates me?

No,Yujin would never do that......right?


It's Yujin's voice! I knew it she won't leave me!

I look at her with a relieved smile.

"I thought you're gonna leave me!" I punch her left shoulder.

"Ouch," she winces in pain.

"Where have you been all this time?! And where's the thing you were holding?" I ask.

I notice that she's not holding anything right now.

"Shhhh,just follow me,"

She grabs my hand and we walk to the elevator.

She press number 8,the highest level in this building.

Ding!(dalla dalla!) The scenery infront of me really shook me! It's soo beautiful and romantic! I wanna cry right now

Sky Rose Garden👇

"Nobody's here other than us

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"Nobody's here other than us. Shall we?" She asks like a gentle woman.

Ugh Ahn Yujin! I never thought you can be like this. Such a boyfriend material!

We sit down at one of the table with foods.  We start to dig in.

Yujin clears her throat for attention and I look at her.

Omo! It's a picture of me inside the ferris wheel at the amusement park!

But I thought camera or anything related to it can't capture the picture of me.

"Well, since I can't take any picture of you so I ask a painter to draw you base on my accurate description," she proudly speaks.

"Do you like it?" She continues.

"I-I love it! It looks soo real,"


My love for you is real. I would do anything for you Wonyo.

You said that you could read my mind but how come you can't realize that I love you.

I confess to you through my mind many times but you never realize it.

We talk about some topics and wander around the garden looking at this amazing views of Seoul.

After that romantic date I prepared we go back to the dorm cause it's late.

I enjoy this too much without knowing what will also happen in this same day.....

  👻     👻    👻     👻    👻    👻     👻     👻     👻

Something is going to happen........

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