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After school,

I drag Yujin to my classroom and luckily,not everyone went home early. There's still some student there.

I recognize all of them but I don't remember their name.

"Sorry to interrupt but is this Wonyoung's class?"

"It was but she didn't came for 2 weeks already," a boy answers.

"Is there any of you got her number?"

"No and her bestfriend already went home.We also don't have her best friend's number," a girl with a straight short hair about the length of her shoulder.

"Oh then thank you for your time," Yujin thank them.

"We'll tell Wonyoung if she come back okay. Just tell me your class and your name," the girl said as she hands a paper and a pen to Yujin.

Yujin writes her full name with her class on the paper then she hands the paper back to the girl.

"I'll go now. Thank you,"Yujin says as she flashes them a sweet smile that shows her dimples.

Then,both of us walk to Yujin's dorm.

As we arrived, Yujin walks to a room. It's room 12.

Like what she said, she installed some cameras more like CCTV cause we can watch anybody who came there.

It's already midnight but no one came. I look at Yujn and she looks sleepy already.

"Yujin, You can sleep.  I'll watch for someone. I'll wake you up if anyone's coming, "

"Can I cuddle you? I don't want to have another nightmare, "


At the moment she cuddles me, I feel like I don't want her to let go anymore.

Ahn Yujin, what have you done to me?

Around 3 o'clock,  I see someone wearing a mask and a stick come into the room.

"Yujin.  There's someone!"

She immediately wakes up and grab a stick. Then walk towards room 12. Slowly she walks into the room. I followed her at the back.


"W-who are you?"

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you go to sleep already?"

"Answer my question first. Who are you?"

"Can't you see I'm the cleaner,"

Oh, the stick that me and Wonyoung saw earlier is actually a broom.

"S-sorry, I actually walk pass by this room but I heard some sound. I heard that this room is a vacant room so I went in," I give an excuse.

"You have to sleep. Look it's late,you're gonna be sleepy tomorrow. I'm not gonna tell you to the security so you better go back to your room before I change my mind,"

I quickly ran to my room followed by Wonyoung .

"Mian,I almost got you into trouble earlier,"

"It's okay. At least we try right,"

"You better continue to sleep now.It's still early,"

I don't talk cause I'm too shy to ask her to cuddle with me again.

She sits on my bed and says,

"I can read your mind Yujin. Come here,let's get you to sleep,"

I shyly walk to her and hesitantly trying to cuddle.

"Haha,you don't need to be hesitant. I don't bite,"

After I cuddled her,I drift to sleep.

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