Memory #2

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"Wonyo, you can go to my dorm first. I'm gonna by foods,okay," says Yujin.

"Aaah. Shiroo," I whine as I pout.

"You should be glad that you're cute or else I would've force you to go home,"

D-did Yujin called me c-cute??!

Aaaaaah! My face is getting redder right now. I might be gone crazy at this moment!

"Are you coming or not?"she asks as she's already far from me.

I didn't realized that I spaced out for a long time.

"Coming!" I say as I teleport next to her.

"I'm gonna make kimbap today so we're going to the grocery store to buy what is needed to make kimbap. Arasseo?" She says as soon as we arrive at a grocery store.


After the whole thing needed was bought, we walk to the dorm and Yujin starts to make kimbap.

Wah,she looks cool by just wearing the apron and her hair tied in a bun style.

I was mesmerized by her stunning face till I lost the track of time.

"It's done. Do you wanna eat too wonyo?"

"Yeah sure,"

I walk to her and she starts to hold a sharp knife.

Ouch,my head is spinning. I starts to faint.

A person holding a knife pointed the end of the knife to me.

"P-please don't do this. I-I still wanna live. P-please,my family will be looking for me. I p-promise I'll do w-whatever you told m-me. Please don't kill me," I plead.

"I've gone this far and you expects me to let you go easily? Do you think I'm that stupid Wonyoung?" The person holding the knife boomed.

"Wonyoung ,are you okay?" A voice says and someone shakes my body gently.

I know that it's Yujin so I immediately hug her as soon as I open my eyes with the feelings of scared.

I can't handle this anymore. It's too scary.

My tears escaped from my eyes.

"Shh. It's okay,I'm here,"

"K-knif-" she cuts off my word with full concern.

"Shh. Tell me later. For now,let's get you to sleep. You'll need it,"

I didn't realized that I am laying on Yujin's bed right now. I think she carried me all the way here while I faint earlier.

I nod as she give me a blanket and pat my head gently. I drift to sleep after that.

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