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I open my eyes just to see her left me.

Wonyoung,it hadn't been an hour but I already missed you so much. How can I survive in a future without missing you?

I don't think there's anyone can replace you. Please come back, I really miss you...

After a week,

Bold will be Yena's line

and Yujin will be the normal one.

Yup,come pick me up. It's boring to stay at this hospital for too long

Haha,of course it is. Anyway, I have something important to do today so I can't pick you up today. Maybe tomorrow I'll be free

But I don't wanna stay here any longer! It's been a week already

I told you I'm busy. Wait,Let me check if anyone's free to take you home

Okay,Just call me again if there's someone gonna pick me up from this hell

The end of the phone call...

*sigh*I guess one more day living in here.

One more day to suffer with the memories of the last day with Wonyoung.

I cry at my own thoughts.

Wonyoung, why do you have to leave me? I want to see you again. I miss you so much eventhough I never seen you in your human form. I hope you are watching me from above.

I can walk so I decide to take a walk around this hospital.

But as soon as I am about to walk out of the room, someone called me.

I pick my phone up and again it's Yena.

Bold is for Yena

And Yujin will be the normal one again.

Yujin, there's no one free today. I guess I have to pick you up tomorrow.

Oh,okay. Then tomorrow's fine.

Wait! Yuri said that she's free to pick you up. She'll bring along her friend too. Just get ready with your things packed okay

It's already packed since yesterday.  Anyway,tell Yuri to call me if she's already here


With that Yena ended the call.

I sigh as I climb the bed again to take a sit. The hospital bill will get paid after this . My parents had send me the money.

Kriing!! My phone rings and  I checked my phone . It's Yuri.

Bold is for Yuri

and Yujin will be the normal one.

(This will be the last phone call readers don't be mad)

What's your room number?

It's 101 at the first floor

I'll be there just wait.

The short (as Nako 🤣 Jk jk) phone call had ended.

About 2 minutes later, Yuri come along with her friend,


Gyuri( Haha did I tricked you readers?)

"Gyuri unnie?"

"Annyeong Yujin. Yup,it's me,"

"Good. So both of you know each other,"

"Are you feeling better now?" Asks Gyuri unnie.

"Ofcourse I am. I'm a strong girl anyway," I say.

The truth is no, I'm not okay. How can I be okay if the one I loved had left me forever even though I only met her in a few days.

I flex my arm to show her off my invisible muscle with a proud look.

Even if I looked happy on the outside but in the inside, I felt like I'm slowly dying. No, I am dying inside.

Gyuri unnie chuckles at my silly behaviour.

Even if I looked happy on the outside but in the inside, I felt like I'm slowly dying.

"Yujin, we're gonna visit Gyuri's sister here before you go home. Is that okay?" Questions Yuri unnie.

"Yeah, It's fine. What's your friend's room number?"

"It's 321 third floor," answers Gyuri unnie.

As we arrive there, I tell them that I'll be waiting outside since they said that I don't know her cause I never met her. Yup ,its a her.

"Yujin,we're done already. Don't you wanna say goodbye to Gyuri's sister first before we go?" Asks Yuri unnie.

"Sure,it might be weird since we don't know each other but it's better then I look like a rude person," I say as I walk in to say goodbye even if I never said Hi to her.

"Goodbye Miss. I hope you'll get well soon," I say without looking at her but as soon as I lift my head to see her I am completely jungshook.

The face that I've been longing for this whole week is right infront of me.

Tears escaped from my eyes as I exclaims in shocked,

"H-how come? W-wonyoung?!"

The feeling of longing starts to disappear, the moment she left me, as soon as I look at her.

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Yayy!! They meet again! *blowing a trumpet with full of joy don't care about the horrible sound that came out of the trumpet(normal people would celebrate with a confetti but not me,I ain't normal °▪° )*

And that's the end for you ;)

Cliff hanger ending, you can imagine what's going to happen next.

For a second thought, if you still remember, Wonyoung had prank her own sister😂

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