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"YAH ,AHN YUJIN WAKE UP!!!" Wonyoung shouts. It almost make my ears bleed.

"Jeez,are you on period or what? You don't need to shout," I reply as I close both of my ears.

"Yah,I'm a G-H-O-S-T ,there's no way I'm on period. Also, I'm still younger than you, you old hag!"


"You better hurry up. It's already 7 and a half o'clock, " She says calmly.

"WHAAAT?! WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME UP EARLIER?!!" I say as I dash into the toilet.

"I did about a million times already but you're a heavy sleeper, "

"Tch, excuses," I say as I ran out of my room.

I left Wonyoung but I know she can teleport by herself.


At last, I arrive infront of the class's door.

I open the door and crap, the teacher is here.

"Ahn Yujin , don't you know what time is this?" The teacher booms

"Yes,it's 8 o'clock.  Can't you see the big wal clock at the back of the the class?! Are you that blind?!"

However, I keep that in my mind without saying out loud or a detention is waiting for me. Instead of that, I say,

"I'm sorry I'm late today,"

"Come in,I won't be giving you detention if you pass today's test,"he say.


I walk inside towards my seat and there's Wonyoung waving happily sitting on the chair besides my seat.

"Wonyoung please help me on this test. Or its gonna be hard for me to find your murderer, " I say in my mind.

She can read my mind anyway.

"Okay,put all of your books at the back. Then we'll start, " instructs the teacher.

I pit at the back and go back to my seat with a test paper on the table.

I examine the questions but I can't answer anything.

I stare at Wonyoung with my speciality : Puppy eyes.

"Fine, I'll help you!" She says.

She starts to go to the back of the class to look for the answer in the books and tell them to me.

~ After the test

The teacher hands me back my paper while saying,

"Didn't expect this mark from you. I guess you finally study. Keep up the good work,"

I look at my test paper's mark and it's 98%. Yayy ,for the first time I get high mark.

Also,I won't go to the detention room. This is good.

"Phew, Thanks giant baby,"

"Giant baby?" She asks.

"Yeah, a nickname for you because you're taller but younger than me,"

"Oh, then I'll give you one too. How about Puppyjin?"

"Sounds good but why puppyjin though?"

"Because you begged me earlier with your puppy eyes,"

"Okay then,it's fair for both of us,"


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