Our date #1

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There are 3 doors infront of me. I choose the middle door and inside, there is Wonyoung smiling happily to me.

She stand under a light that I don't know where it came from because there's no light except beneath her.

I smiled back and walk to get near her but then her facial expression changed as I saw a pair of hand choking her while dragging her away from me.

I ran toward her but it seems that the way to her takes forever to reach her. The room seems more longer than before.

I look at her hopelessly seeing her dragged away far from me.....

"Wonyoung!!" I shout.

I sigh in relief as I realize that it was just a dream.

But what if it's real and it's gonna happen.

No,it's not gonna be. Today is gonna be our special day and I planned everything to make everything P E R F E C T. I'm really confident on the plan

I decided to just shrug off the dream cause it may distract me during our date.

I take a glance at Wonyoung and luckily she's still asleep. She really is a deep-sleeper. She can't wake up even after I shouted her name earlier.

I'll just go and get ready for our date since it's already morning.


Today is the day.......

I'm so excited I almost shout out of joy but I get back to my senses by reminding myself that she might think of me as weird.

Well,I am weird for coming to her life in the most unexpected way but I don't want to her to think of me weirder than now tho.

"Wonyo,are you ready?" I hear her calling my name.

"Yup,I am," I turn facing her.

She wears a pastel blue hoodie match with a black pant. It's simple yet I feel like she has this 'oppa' vibe.

She always has the 'oppa' vibes everyday but today it's a little bit extra.

"Are you done checking me out? I'm okay with you checking me out this whole day but we have a date today," she smirks playfully.

I blushed very hard then I mentally slap myself to get me back to my senses.

BUT! DID SHE JUST SAID THE WORD D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-DATE????!!!!!! (Woah, Wonyoung stuttered too much)

Looks like mentally slapping myself won't stop me from blushing anymore.

"You're blushing. Kyeoptda," She pinches my cheeks.

Yujin,you should know that you're not helping right now. You made me a blushing mess.

"Let's go!"

Yujin intertwining our hands together and lead the way out of the dorm.

(I actually don't know if you can go out of dorm at weekend cause I've never sleep at dorm but let's just go with the story 😂)


"So let's go to the amusement park like what you want,"I tell her.

"Yay×100," Wonyoung happily says.

"Don't go too far from me there okay,"

She nods cutely. Jk everything about her is very cute to me cause I'm whipped af.

We take a bus to the nearest amusement park.

"Waaaaah!" Wonyoung excitedly exclaims.

She's wandering the amusement park while jumping up a down(Exid😅) while waiting for me paying for the ticket.

I laughed by her childishness.  She's very kawaii!!! She makes me fell for her every second I spend with her.

I grabs her hand to prevent her from going too far from me.


I am looking around this gigantic amusement park.

Wahhhh!! It's a ferris wheel!! As I am about to go to the ferris wheel,Yujin grabs my hand.

My heart skipped a beat. Wait,do I even have a heart? I don't think so but then what is this sound?

It's like the sound of a drum. Is it mine?

Back to yujin.pov

I hold her hand but why do I felt nervous out of sudden?

Oh no! My heart beats rapidly (it's Yujin's heartbeat not Wonyoung😂)

"I told you not to go far from me didn't I," I say trying to cover my nervousness. I'm amazed by myself,I manage to not stutter even if I'm hella nervous right now.

"M-mian," she looks at her feet.

"It's okay. Just don't do it again. I don't wanna loose you," I sincerely tell her even if she don't really know what I really mean by that.

"Arasseo, "

"Now,shall we go to the roller coaster first?" I offer after I pat her her head gently.

"Yup. Kajjaa,"

She drags me to the roller coaster. Lucky for us,the line was short (as Nako >0<).

Both of us sits together. I forgot to ask her if she's scared of fast ride or not.

Whatever,she would've decline it earlier if she's scared.

Waaaah!the nosedive is coming.

I am about to scream with joy but a voice stop me.

Wonyoung screams so hard with a high-pitched voice. It's not out of joy but it's out of fear!

She doesn't move because of her fear.

I hold her hand to calm her down but it's not helping. She continues to scream until the ride ends.

It's a fortunate that I'm the only one can hear her screaming cause if not,she's gonna be embarrassed already when people looking at her.

"Why don't you tell me you're scared of fast rides? I would've chose other ride earlier if you had told me,"

"How can I know? I forgot everything about me," she defends herself.

"Let's just go to the ferris wheel. You're not scared of height right?"

"Not sure but at least I'll try,"

"Then ferris wheel it is,"

We walk to where the ferris wheel placed and I think I'm lucky today cause here,the line is short again.

We reach the highest one and I take pictures of the beautiful scenery to remember our date today.

Sadly,I can't take Wonyo's picture.

(Add an effect of a bulb light up just like in the movie when someone had an idea) I have a brilliant idea!

It's gonna work! I'm sure, 100% sure

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