Definetely Jealous

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This day is the perfect time for revenge😏

Yujin already wears her school uniform and we're walking to school as always.

As we arrive, the girl approaches us while holding a bottle filled with drink.

Good,I was just about to look for you.

"Hey it's you again," greets Yujin.

"Yeah, I just wanna thank you for yesterday.  You're not busy right?" She asks.

Oh no,this is not good.


"Great! Do you wanna join me to the cafeteria? My treat," Offers the girl.

"Thanks but I'm not hungr-"

Just then,as if it was planned,Yujin's stomach grumbles.

"Are you sure?" The girl gives a playful smile to My Yujin.

"A bite will do," Yujin rubs her nape that wasn't itchy as she smiles nervously.

The heck?!!! Why does she has to be nervous  around that weak girl?!! She can't even protect herself!!!

Both of them walk to the cafeteria leaving me as a third-wheeler.

Humph! I walk after them and Yujin sits next to her.

The girl stand up and says,

"What do you wanna eat?"

"Anything is fine,"

"Okay then,"

She walks away, Yujin doesn't even notice me here. I'm sulking here and after the girl left, she finally notice me sulking.

Waah,what a good person she is (sarcastic).

"Why are you sulking Wonyo?"

"I'm not!" I denies but I know that I'm sulking right now.

The girl comes back with a tray of food and Yujin continues  to ignore me again!

Aish,You're dead girl later. I'll really kill you!  Just wait!!

"How about an introduction since yesterday you were in a rush," suggest the girl.

"Sure,let me start first then. I am Yujin,Ahn Yujin from class ****"

"Oh,nice to meet you Yujin-ssi. I am Jang Gyuri,"

"Nice to meet you too Gyuri-ssi,"

"Can I have your number? It's for um, maybe we could hang out sometimes ,"

What?!! Pssh, why in the world Yujin would want to hang out with you?

"Sure it's  *******,"

My mouth hang open in disbelief.  Why did she do that?!

"Okay,class will start in a few minutes. I'll see you later Yujin," she waves her hand as she's quiet far away.

Did she just said Yujin?! Where's the formality! Are you being serious right now cause you're gonna see my deadly wrath later.

"See you later," Yujin waves back.

Yujin smiles like an idiot. No way, she really is the one yujin likes?! You're dead meat.

"Yujin, I'll be going somewhere around. Bye,"

I disappear from her sight without giving her a chance to speak.


I secretly took a glance at Wonyoung everytime she's not looking while I'm talking to Gyuri.

It's funny to see her frowning , pouting, rolling her eyes to Gyuri and sulking continuously while I ignore her.

She keep on mumbling about something but I can't hear it.

Just thinking about that make me smile like an idiot even after Gyuri walks away.

Wonyoung is jealous, definetely jealous and me here is totally whipped for Wonyoung.

"Yujin,I'll be going somewhere around this school. Bye,"

She suddenly disappear after that without giving me a chance to speak.

Where does she goes to? Is she will come back to me later? She will......right?

*sigh* I'll just go to class by myself again.

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