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At midnight,

Oh,there's a person at the room 12.(Remember: they put the CCTV-like camera inside the room)

I glance at Yujin and she still asleep while snoring cutely.

I felt guilty for waking her up last time cause she hurts herself and I don't want it to happen again. I'll just go by myself then.

I teleport to infront of the room number 12 and I walk passing through the door.

"Wonyoung ,I'm so sorry but I have to kill you,"

W-what? That person is the killer?

"I know you're here. I can see you Wonyoung,"

That person turn to face me and it's a guy! He seems familiar but where did I saw him before?

"Your soul is still here and I can't let your soul go. I have to go to the shaman so that I can see and touch you. I will make your soul die too!"

I want to teleport but it doesn't work! He even locked the door.

"You can't teleport in here Wonyoung. Hahaha,"

"Why do *pant* you do this?"

"It's the only way I couldn't get caught,"

"Who *pant* are you?"

"You don't remember me huh. Remember the one whom usually by your side?"

I think again. That black jacket, that knife,that voice. All of it points to the same person.

The person whom I trusted very much.

The person whom become my first love.

The person whom always protect me.

The person I promised to never leave.

Is the one whom killed me.

Flashback to the day she got killed..


"Yah,how do you get in here?" I whisper-shouted at him.

He wore a black jacket so he wouldn't get caught from entering girl's dorm.

"It's easy. I take copy the key of your dorm and come in. The security here isn't very tight and even if it is,I can pass through easily,"

"Okay,so what is your purpose to come here?"

"I just wanna say that I already have your father's permission on marrying you after we graduated,"

I was really shocked by what he said. I know that I have to tell him that I don't like him anymore and I like someone else. Yeah,I have to tell him!

"I-I'm sorry,"

"Why are you apologizing? You want that too ,right?"

"I-I d-don't love you a-anymore,"

"Is this because of her?"

"W-who are you taking about?"

"I saw you Wonyoung! I saw how you look at her differently even if you never get close to her! I saw you wanting to know about her even if she don't even know you! I saw everything! And I know you like her.She's Yujin our senior. Right?!!"

(okay,that wasn't what you expected right readers?)

"Yes! I like her,no, I love her even if it's one-sided. But that's not the only problem. You have to except the fact that I don't love you anymore. Please ,I'm not the one for you. I'm sure you'll find someone,better than me and will never leave you,"

"You promised me Wonyoung. You promised me to love me forever and now you forgot about it?!"

"I do remember it. I was childish and didn't think far. I was only a little kid and yet you take that childish promise seriously?!"

His eye changed from shocked(this is how Wonyoung recognize the pair of eyes from before) because of my answer to anger.

"If I can't have you then No one else can!!"

I can see obsession in his eyes. He doesn't love me but he's obsessed! I freaked out.

He pulled out a knife(he prepared for this already) and stab me in my stomach.

"You should've love me back Wonyoung but now it's too late. No one can find out who killed you,"

The door was unlocked and a gasp from the door can be heard.

Kai looked at the way the gasp sound was heard. It's the cleaner!

Kai smirked at the cleaner and the person was about to shout but Kai was quick enouh to make the person shut.

He pulled the cleaner into this room amd locked the door.

"You have to keep your mouth shut or you'll experience the same thing as her!"warned Kai while pointing the knife on his hand towards my way.

The cleaner nodded in agreement while her tears escaped from her eyes. She was completely scared.

End of flashback..

"H-huening Kai?"( I'm sorry readers . Please don't kill me. I still want to live)

"You finally recognised me,but it is useless now Wonyoung. Your soul gonna die anyway,"

He hit me hard and I can't runaway now.

"You can't runaway anymore Wonyoung. I control you now!"

"Do you really think that I'm very stupid to not notice her suspicious movement?"

You're smart enough to notice that but you're stupid to not notice that there's a camera that would capture your movement in here.

I don't reply anything. Well, who would reply if they're injured badly and will die in any time?

"Any last word?" He continues to talk.

I didn't say anything but I cry so hard thinking about what I will be afterlife.

Does Yujin going to look for me?

Yujin, please come....

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The cleaner wasn't actually a part of this story but WappowKachow, you just indirectly gave me an idea so...credits to you😊

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