Make her smile

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I chase after Wonyoung but she's nowhere to be found. I wonder where she is right now.

Yeah,she hasn't tell me about her memory.  I think she's fine now. I'll ask her to tell me later.

At dorm,

"Wonyo,are you here?" I ask as soon as I come in.

"What is it?" She's here sitting in a couch while replying me with a cold tone.

"Wonyoo,why are you being this cold to me? I didn't do anything wrong to you, did I?" I back hug her as she stands up.

"Just shut up. What do you want?"

"Hmm.. you," I tease her as I break the hug and I face her.

I swear I saw her blushed just now or maybe I'm just hallucinating.

"Just kidding. You haven't told me about the memory from yesterday. I wanna know about it,"

I sit on my bed and signal her to sit too. She obeys my order and she sits next to me.

She starts to tell me from the beginning till the last. She cries as she tells me. It breaks me apart seeing her crying like this.

I hug her as soon as she finishes. She hugs me back and continue to cry.

"It's okay, it already happens. I'm not gonna let you experience it ever again,"

After she calms down, the atmosphere here is not very good so I try to change it by teasing her.

"Now tell me, why are you being cold to me earlier,"

She doesn't answer and looks away avoiding the eye contact.

"Perhaps... you're jealous?" I wiggled my eyebrows with a playful smirk.

"A-aniyo!Why would I be j-jealous?!" As expected, she denies it.

"You stuttered. So I am right after all. Yeah, who wouldn't fall for me right. I'm sorry for having such a good visual. Well,it's not really my fault. My mom give birth to me this way " I brag as I start to pose hoping she would start to laugh.

 My mom give birth to me this way " I brag as I start to pose hoping she would start to laugh

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"Haha, your confidence are too much," she laughs.

"Now,you finally smile. All my hardwork paid off eventually,"

She just smile without any replies. I pinch her cheeks (but no too hard).

"You're soo cute,"

She looks at me ,shocked. Why is she like this?

I finally realized that our face are very close right now. No wonder she looks very jungshook earlier.

Both of us starts to blush.

"I-I'm sorry," I apologize.

I look away trying to hide my red face.

Why am I feeling like my heart is about to burst? What is this feeling?

"W-wonyoung, I uh I'm g-going to buy g-groceries. Yeah,groceries," I give an excuse.

"Can I come?" Wonyoung asks.

"NO! I mean ,get some rest. You might need it,"

Aish, why do I raise my voice? It's gonna be obvious that I'm making up some excuses.

"But I'm not tired,"

How do I stop her from coming with me??

"You have to stay so that maybe you manage to remember anything okay," yes, good excuse,Yujin. Now,she won't have anything to say.

"Okay fine, I'll stay,"

Yesssss! She won't come!

I quickly go out from my dorm and went to a quiet place.


Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!! I really thought she was about to kiss me.(Why are you like this Wonyoung? Protect the giant baby from those thoughts!)

I blush at my own thoughts and the scene earlier.

Yujin says that she'll go to buy groceries but we still have leftovers by the kimbap she made yesterday and it's enough to make 5 more kimbap. Also, she doesn't want me to come.

Yah, I can read your mind Ahn Yujin. Why does she wants to stop me from coming with her?

She might go out with another girl. No,it can't be. Just stay positive Wonyoung,Stay positive. But why am I thinking like this in the first place?

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! You're driving me crazy AHN YUJIN!!

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