Me?! Jealous?!!

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It's morning already, I stretch a little and I'm ready to start my day.

I take a bath and wear my uniform. I glance at Wonyoung and she's still in a deep sleep.

I'll just let her sleep some more. She must be very tired because of yesterday.

Before I go out, I kissed her forehead.

Looks like I'm getting used of being with her walking to school. I felt a little lonely walking by myself now.

I eat at the cafeteria for breakfast and off to class.

The whole period seems very long,longer than usual and I felt empty.

*sigh* If only Wonyoung's here, it won't felt strange like this.

"Wah,you miss me?! It's unexpected, " 

I look to my left side and yes it's Wonyoung.

"N-no I'm not. There's no way I miss you," I deny her words.

"Fine ,you don't miss me even though I knew the truth," she says confidently and unexpectedly wink to me.

Oh no! My face starts to heat up. Again.

"Let me focus. I need to concentrate.  I can't concentrate if you're being like this all the time,"

"Yeah,fine. I won't bother you,"

Why do I felt like she's staring at me. Ah whatever, I'm just too tensed so I felt like this. It can't be her staring at me.


This pabo, I can read your mind don't you remember?

The truth is I'm staring at a breathtaking view on my right side.

How come I didn't notice this before? How come someone could be this pretty?

I guess she has many admirers of course. There's no way, no one fall for her beauty.


Omo,I lost track of time because of the beauty next to me.

"Wonyo, do you wanna eat with my friend or we go to somewhere else?"

"Somewhere else. I can't eat with your friends or they're gonna be traumatised by looking at a flying food,"

"You're right.Where do you wanna eat?"

"How about the garden?" I give an opinion.

"You must've love the garden so much," she says.

"Of course," I state.

"Then the garden it is,"

We are eating while talking random stuff together but then we hear voices,

"I don't want to!"a voice says

"Oh,you're now can talk back to me huh?" Another voice says.

"Wonyo,stay here alright. I won't go for too long,"says Yujin and as she is about to go ,I stop her.

"Let's go together. I don't want you to get hurt,"


We walk towards the two voices and there's actually two girls. I think the one on the right that pulls the hair of the left one is a bully based on what I heard just now.

"Yah,let go of her," Yujin ordered using her deep voice in a cold tone.

Wah,she looks very cool with her serious look and her deep voice in a cold tone.

"Who are you to interrupt someone else's business?" The one I thought as a bully beams.

"You're at the school's place. So it is also my business,"

"Acting as a hero? Tch, just go now or you'll end up like this girl,"the girl threatens as she pushes the other girl to the ground.

"Don't test my limit,"

"Why? You're scared already?! Come on! Fight me if you're that brave," challenges the rude girl.

"So you don't listen?! I swear you'll gonna regret this," Yujin says and she threw a fast and strong punch to the rude girl earlier.

The punch was strong enough to make the rude girl faint in one punch.

"Are you okay?"the deep-cold voice earlier changes into a voice full of concern.

Yujin helps the girl to stand up.

"Yes thank you,miss?"

"Ahn Yujin. Call me Yujin,"

"Oh thank you Yujin-ssi. If it wasn't for you,I would have gotten beat up by that girl,"

"It's my pleasure,"

"C-can I have your n-number?" The girl stutters.

Aish,this girl should've be thankful that Yujin saved her and now she starts to flirt Yujin?!!

I walk away from there and I heard a little of their conversation.

"I'm sorry miss but I have to go!"

That's what I only heard and then I felt someone hugs me from behind.

"Wonyo,wait for me. Why are you leaving me like that?"

"At least,I'm leaving you for a while than I'm leaving you forever," I snaps.

"Wonyoo. Why are you being this cold to me? Tell me what's wrong?"

"Go ahead to the girl and stop bothering me,"

"Are you jealous?" She looks at me with a teasing smile.

"Me?!Jealous?!!Hah! You think!"

"Aigoo,My giant baby is jealous,"

"I said I'm not!"

"Then why are you being this cold?"

"It's uhm. Whatever,I'm going,"

"Haha,you're totally jealous. Don't worry Wonyo,I'm always gonna be with you,"

That's all I heard before I completely out of her sight.

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Woah, it's a long chapter this time. Anyway,see you at my next chapter readers ;)

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