The 마지막 part

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They carried Yujin into this hospital. I have to wait for her to wake up for the last goodbye.

Many things happened today,from happy start to the saddest ending. I'm happy that we get to go on a date today.

I have to tell Yujin as soon as she wakes up..........

As soon as she wakes up,she shook me because she immediately hug me.

I don't want this moment to end but I know we won't see each other after this anymore.

"Thank you," I thank her.

"It's nothing. Every bad guy should receive punishment anyway,"

"Yeah , bad guys should,"

"Urm, Wonyoung ,there's something that I kept for myself and I want to tell you,"

"What is it?"

"I-I start to l-love you,"

I blushed hardly when she said that. I take a look at her and she's also blushed by her own words.

But, I get back to reality. The cruel reality that prohibit me and Yujin.

"Yujin, I'm sorry," I apologise.

"I understand that you don't love me back," she smiles bitterly.

"It's not like that,"

"Then what is it?"

"I love you too but,"

"But what?" She starts to get her hopes up,I can feel it but I'm sorry 정말 미안해.

"Eventhough how much we want to be together, we can't! We're different and we're not supposed to like each other, "

"I could kill myself so I can be with you. We can be together after that and no one can seperate us,"

"Don't do that! You have to continue to live and find the one who's really made for you. Not a ghost like me,"

"But you're the only one I love Wonyoung. You made me feel what I've never felt before,"

"You know that I can't be here any longer right?"

She starts to cry with her head hungs low.

I grab her chin softly and made her to face me.

"Wonyoung, don't leave me please, " she begs.

I want to but I can't, I really can't.  I'm sorry Yujin.

If only we met at the right time ,we won't be like this.

"Mianhae, Yujin. I can't, I have to go eventhough I don't want to,"

I start to kiss her while wiping her tears away.

I slowly disappear which made her cry even more.

Please don't cry more in the future. It hurts me to see you cry like this.

I'm sorry Yujin. We're just not meant to be at this lifetime. I promise to meet you and love you again in my next life if I meet you.

The end...

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Bad ending I know but don't worry there's still hope: an epilogue.

Oh My Ghost! • Annyeongz ✔Where stories live. Discover now