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I take a glance to the clock and one more minute left.


Yay,school ends for this week. But ,Wonyoung still hasn't came.

Where are you Wonyo? You're making me worried sick.

"Miss me?"

That's Wonyo's voice! I turn to face her and yes!It's her! I'm excited to meet her eventhough we met today but those hours without seems like days. I kept the excitement buried deep and meep up my usual face expressions.

"No way! This whole time without your existence is calmful until you came,"

"Lies,you missed me. Don't you dare to deny it,"

"Whatever, " I still try to deny eventho I know the truth and so does she.

I walk away followed by Wonyo.

---At the dorm

I look at Wonyoung. She stares outside the window. It looks like she desperately wants to go out of this boring dorm.

*sigh* I think she's bored to be in here everyday. Should I bring her somewhere?

"Wonyo," I call for her.

She faces me with the 'what?' look.

"D-do you wanna go out. I MEAN HANGOUT y'know," I stutters. Why do I stutters?

Why am I starting to sweat and nervous to just ask her. It's just Wonyoung.

"Really?! When?!"she excitedly asks as she jumps off her seat.

Her face brightens up.

"How about tomorrow?"

"Yes! I want to!"

I chuckle by her cuteness. I walk into the bathroom to change my clothes.


Yaaaaaaaaaaaay! She finally wants to bring me out of this dorm.

I can't wait till tomorrow.

Hmmmm, where does she wants to bring me?

Molla! As long as I can get out of this dorm.

But I think she starts to forget about finding the one who killed me.

Whatever,let's just enjoy my ghost life tomorrow. I'll tell her about finding the clues next week.

Yujin came out of the bathroom. She change into a sky blue coloured t-shirt match with a black legging while her hair tied in a ponytail.

She prepares for dinner and called me after the she prepares it.

While we eat our food,she starts a conversation.

"So.. where do you wanna go tomorrow?"she asks

"I thought you already know where to go," I look at her.

"I do but maybe you wanna go somewhere?"

"Ummm, how about the amusement park. I wanna ride the ferris wheel," I suggest.

"Then we'll go there,"

"Yes! Where do you wanna bring me after that?"

"It's a S.E.C.R.E.T,"

"Wae?! I wanna know," I pout.

"You'll see tomorrow but for now,let's finish our food and go to sleep. It's gonna be a long day for us tomorrow," she smiles as she says that.


"Aigoo,uri Wonyoung-ie neomu kyeoptda," she pinches both of my cheek.

I blushed because of it but she doesn't seem to notice it which is good.

She washes the dishes and changed into her pajama.

"Jaljayo uri giant baby,"

That's all she says before she off to her dream land.

"Jalja,ahn pupyjin," I kissed her cheeks afterward.


Even if I close my eyes,I'm still not sleeping.

Wonyoung whispers softly to my left ear,

"Jalja,ahn puppyjin,"

God, I think I had hear an Angel's voice. My left ears is blessed. Is this blessing as a pay for all the good deeds I had done? I don't think I deserves this blessing because I'm not a very good person.

I still doubting and now you're blessing me with other blessing.


My cheeks getting hotter and hotter than usual and my heart beats rapidly, I think it's about to burst.

Simple touch from her made smile ear to ear but luckily she isn't looking at me.

Wonyoung,you made me fell for you over and over again which I can't get out of it anymore and I like it that way.

If only you know how I feel....

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