Memory #3

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I think of a way to make Wonyoung smile. I think this will work. No one can ever resist this😏

I stand in front of her and starts to play 'nekkoya' background song. I start to make some silly move(At produce 48 ,yujin did this for centre selection match. It's really funny,y'all should watch it if you haven't😂)

Wonyoung starts to creak a smile. Yes! I did it again!

I stop and walk to get closer.

"You smile again,gladly. You should keep the smile cause it's pretty,"

"So are you saying that I'm not pretty?"

"N-no,it's not what I meant! I mean, you looks ×10 times prettier and cuter with a smile," I quickly answer while panicking.

"I'm just joking around. You look very funny when you panicked,"

"Is that soo,"

I confidently walk closer and kiss her on the cheeks.

She is jungshook again. She stays like that for 2 minutes ( Woah,that's a long time. I'll explain why she stayed in that position after this)

"Wonyo,are you okay?" I poke her cheeks.

Luckily she moves her head facing me. Phew, I thought she's not gonna move anymore.


At the moment Yujin kissed my cheeks, another memory appeared suddenly.

I was picking a flower in the field of flowers, a Lilac flower's field to be exact.

Then,Someone tapped my shoulder and I turned facing the person.

It's an 8 years old Huening Kai? He kissed my cheeks and ran away.

"Yah! Come back here!" I shouted as I fan to get him.

He stucked out his tongue and unfortunately he didn't realized that there's a tree infront of him so he accidentally bumped onto it.

He sat down while held his dizzy head.

"That's what you get for kissing my cheek," I said to him.

"Its Karma, hahaha," he laughed.

"Waah, I'm impressed. You laughed but you  don't even asking for forgiveness. You deserve this,"

I flicked his forehead very hard and walk away.

"YAH IT HURTS! JANG WONYOUNG!" he yelled angrily while held his forehead that's red because of the flick I gave.

That's all I saw before Yujin call me.

"Wonyo,are you okay?"

I moves a bit facing her.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine. It's just I remembered something,"

"Don't tell me now if it's a sad memory,"

"No,it's my childhood,"

"Okay then tell me,"

"Huening Kai. I remembered him. He uh, he kissed my cheek,"


"Yah, he was just joking around at that time and he was just 8 years old! Also,why are you acting like this? You did that to me too,"

She mumbles something but I can't hear it very well. I just brush it off and continues.

"Anyway,let's continue. I scold him but he ran away and unfortunately, he didn't notice a tree was infront of him so he bumped to it which made him dizzy. He sat down for a while. I continued to scold him and he laughed and said it's Karma. And again , I scold him for just laughing without apologising to me. I flicked his forehead and walk away and he complained that it hurts. That's all. Nothing special about the memory,"

I turn my head facing Yujin and she looks bored.


Aish, I'm soo jealous of Huening Kai! I'm fuming with jealousy!!!

Wonyoung looks undeniably happy while saying his name. He must be Wonyoung's first love! Judging by how her face brightens as she says his name.

So she's not gay as I expected.

I wish that Wonyoung didn't remember this memory.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! I'm burning out of jealousy!

Just wait and see Huening Kai. You'll know what I'll do next!

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Haha,jealous Yujin. Poor Huening Kai. He will get the revenge from Yujin for doing nothing wrong.

Looks like Yujin and Wonyoung will do a revenge on a different person.

See you on the next chapter readerssssssssssss

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