The battle ended

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Wonyoung disappear suddenly. I wake up and she's not by my side anymore.She's not in my dorm.

I look for her at the bathroom but still ,she's not there.

Wonyoung stop making me feel worried.

I glance at my watch and its 6 in the morning. I can go out of my dorm now since it's morning already.

I look at the CCTV-like camera.

Omo,there's the person in my dream. The person in a jacket and mask while holding a knife and a gun.

That person looks like want to stab someone but there's no one there in the room.

I think of Wonyoung. What if that person can see Wonyoung too?

I dash towards the room. I try to open it slowly but dang it,It's locked.

What should I do now? Ah, I know it. I walk to the security.

"Excuse me ,can I borrow the keys for room 12?"

"There's no one there.Why would you want to go there?"

"Exactly,there's no one. But the door is locked and  I heard voices in there,"

"Then let's go to the room. You cannot go by yourself cause the one whom locked it might be a dangerous person,"

"Nah,I can handle it. I learned Karate and I'm a black belt,"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes ,I am,"

"Here is the key. If there's anything happened just take this walkie talkie and press number 1248 and I'll be there okay," the security gives me the key and a walkie talkie.

"Yeah. I'll get going now. Thank you miss, "

I ran to the room 12 and quietly unlocked the door.

I open the door slowly revealing a guy holding a knife trying to stab.. Wonyoung?!

That's it,I'm not playing safe anymore.

I bang the door open and start to kick the guy. Blood came out from his face but he still don't stop and attack me.

Wait,isn't he,Huening Kai? I'm a confusion right now but I keep on fight back.

Whatever,let's just focus on fighting first. I think Wonyo will explain it later.

The battle ended badly.

None of us win cause we both trying to stop the pain resting our body on the opposite wall.

Wonyoung walk to me and she help me get up.

As soon as I get up,I start to attack again.

Do you really think this battle would end just like that? No,you're wrong! And I'm gonna win this.

Yup,and of course I won.

I finally use the walkie talkie to call the security.

The security come in and I start to talk,

"Please arrest him. He's a murderer, he is a killer, "

"You don't have the proof. I can't let him into the cell if you don't have any proof,"

"In my room there's a CCTV cam. I recorded everything even when he said that he killed Wonyoung,"

Luckily, Wonyoung told me that he admitted that he's the killer.

The security called police to arrest the guy and the cleaner too since the cleaner admit it by herself for keeping Wonyoung's incident a secret. The security also called ambulance to help me.

I start to loss conscious and everything turns black.

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Next chapter is the last chapter. Anyway,thanks for all of you readers whom still read this book😊

Hearteu❤ Heartue❤ Heartue❤ Heartue❤

P.s any ship recommendation?

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