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We are in her dorm right now. There's still some unpacked boxes.

"So tell me, do you remember anything?" She asks.

I feel more at ease when she starts to talk normally.

"No, all I remember was my name and the place where I died,"

"Where is it? Maybe I could find some clues there,"

"Room 12. In this block,"

"Wait ,it's in this block. So the murder must be someone from the school,"

Wow, her detective instinct is no joke.

"I'll set some camera there to see who come to there regularly. The murder must be going there to erase the evidence, " she continues.

"Woah, you're quite smart,"

"Hehe, it's nothing. Maybe it's because of I like to see some detective type of drama," she blushes when I compliment her.

Wah, so cute.


She doesn't look scary at all. I feel quite comfortable talking to her. It's as if she's a close friend of mine.

I wonder why some people whom met her got scared of her.

"I wanna know that too. It's a miracle you're not scared of me," she suddenly talks which makes me flinch.

"*chuckles * you're cute," she continues to talk.

"Isn't it a bit strange for you to compliment a person whom you just had met?" I ask her in curiosity.

"You did that to me too," she says.

"When? I never -oh . But that's different.  I didn't say it out loud. You're just the one whom read my mind," I protest.

"It's still the same,"

"*sigh* whatever. Back to the main topic, do you remember anyone before you *clears throat * ( I supposed to say die but it must be rude) became like this?"

"I only remember their face, " 

"Oh,can you be here tomorrow?"

"Sure but why?"

"I'll go around this school and if you remember anyone just tell me. I know many people in this school,"

"Okay. I think you better sleep now or you will be quite sleepy tomorrow, "

"Yeah,I should. Goodnight Wonyoung, "

With that, I climb on the bed and wrap myself with my blanket.

Off to the dream land....

~in Yujin's dream

W-where am I? 

*gasp* a corpse! A corpse of a girl I familiarise but I didn't remember her

I ran away from that room but I stop when I heard someone asking for help.

"Help,please help. It hurts,"

Just as I was about to go back to help, I saw another person in the room.

That person sits next to the corpse while holding a knife covered in blood and there's a gun on the left hand.

The face was blurred and that person was wearing a jacket and mask.

That person turned to me and I was about to run away again but that person was quick enough to catch up.

Then, that person chocked me .

Help, I can't breathe! I think I'm about to die

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