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"Yah,can you teleport inside and unlock this door for me?" Requests Yujin.

"What happened to your keys?"

"I'm too lazy to open with the key. Now go and open the door for me,"

"I don't want to. Just open the door by yourself,"

"Sheez , fine. I'll open it," she took out the keys.

Out of sudden a scene came into my mind.

Someone was holding the key with number 12 carved on the keys and locked the door from inside while said,

"You can't runaway anymore!" The voice said but the face was blurry.

I held my head because of the pain. What is this scene?

Why does it suddenly appeared out of nowhere?

Is this a part from my lost memories? Or the part that will happen?

"Wonyoung,are you okay?" Asks Yujin in concern.

"Th-the scene,"

"Let's get in first then tell me about the scene,"

We going in and I sit on Yujin's bed. Yujin stared at me with a serious look and asks me,

"What scene are you talking about earlier?"

"I think, I think it is my memory,"

"Tell me what you saw in the scene,"

"A person held a key and locked a door from inside. That person said 'You can't runaway anymore!' Suddenly I felt scared of that person,"

"Is it a boy or a girl?"

"I don't know. It was blurry and that person wore a black coat,"

"I guess you're starting to remember some of your memories,"


"That's good. The more you remembered, the more we can find the murderer, "

And the lesser time we will be together.

I know that one day I have to leave. Leave to a better place than this cruel world.

But that's what me and Yujin wants right? Yujin wouldn't want me to be here anyway. And me, I will get my murderer to the cells to receive a fair punishment. That's what I want..


Or is it not?

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