Trojan Warrior

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I walk into Durmont high -I told you Daniel was loaded,  his dad paid to change the name of the school after he made star quarterback, gag me with a fork. The halls smell of fresh wax and the always too strong smell of cologne and perfume mixed into a disgustingly sweet and musky scent. I walk through the hallways looking for my one and only friend Jocelyn. I find her and her- I thought summer only but I was wrong -boyfriend sucking face at her locker. I can't contain my eye roll and cough to interrupt this disgusting session. "Charlee!" She screams as if she didn't see me two days ago, "Guess what?!? Scotty is going to be coming to school with us this year!! Isn't that great?!" "Uh, yea! Totally! Yay!" "Yay!" She squeals back and resumes to suck face. I decide to take my leave and tell her I will see her and Scotty at lunch. Great.

I'm walking through the halls to get to first period and I hear some of the "popular ones" call my name. "Hey Charlee, where'd you get your shirt?! The Gap?!" I didn't know there was anything wrong with The Gap I really love the clothes there so I didn't know how to respond to that. When another girl says "Eewww it smells like fish." "So close your legs!" I snap back. I knew I shouldn't have it's only going to bring more torment to my life but sometimes the bait is just too good. They both look at me with hatred in their eyes, but I hear a very deep laugh from behind me. I turn to stand face to chest with one of the biggest guys I have ever seen. I slowly look up to be greeted with the most piercing blue eyes. There is no way a senior in high school can look this good. Where did he come from?

One of the popular ones has also taken in the sight of this Trojan warrior and pushes me out of the way to drape herself all over him. As her and the other one slowly pull him away he fixes me with one last look and allows himself to be escorted down the hall. I roll my eyes thinking another sucker has fallen victim to the preppy dickheads and continue to my first period.

I walk into first period English class,  only to realize it is full of all jocks and much to my dismay Daniel Douchebag. I have been fortunate enough to avoid this situation my whole high school career and I slowly die inside. I sit in the farthest chair away from all of them which puts me in the closest chair to the teacher. Why me? Sitting there, looking out the window daydreaming of summer again, in walks the Trojan Warrior just kidding, I wish, it was just the teacher. Class started and we got down to the typical first day nonsense.

Finally! Lunch time! I'm pretty sure lunch time is everyone's favorite part of the day, and  it was mine until I walked into the cafeteria and realized I was going to have to share my lunch with my best friend while she makes out with her boyfriend. I mean come on?! How are their lips not super chapped by now?! I would rather not listen to the disgusting sound of spit swapping so I excuse myself and go sit outside under one of the rapidly changing trees. I live in Amberville Michigan and we have some of the best Autumn's you'll ever experience!  The way the leaves turn from red to orange to gold and the sun reflects on them lighting them up as if the whole forest is on fire. There isn't another sight quite like it.
I sit there lost in thought I didn't notice the Trojan Warrior stop in front of me. "Hi." His deep gravelly voice calls down to me. "Hi me?" I question shocked that he can possibly be speaking to me. "Well, unless you've got someone else held hostage in your backpack I'd say so." I blush quickly at his retort filling a little tongue tied which isn't like me whatsoever. "Uh, hi." I say back a little too breathily. "Why are you so nervous?" He laughs and the sound is the most glorious thing I've ever heard. "Me? No, pssh, no haha I'm not nervous. I'm just shocked you're talking to me and not in there with all the other preppy dickheads." This makes him laugh again and I feel as though I can get lost in that sound. "So, why aren't you in there with those preppy dickheads?" I ask. "Nah, they aren't the kind of crowd I run with. In fact I'm waiting for my brother and his friends to get here. We just moved here but they don't think showing up to school is as important as I do." So many questions went through my mind at that moment but the one that stood out is, he has a brother?! Don't tell me God blessed this Earth with two gorgeous specimens!! And as if just on cue his kind of crowd shows up.

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