No Love From Lady Luck

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               The next morning I go out to get my bike to ride to school and it's not there.  "What the heck? Where's my bike?"  I go back inside to see if maybe my mom or dad moved my bike.  "Hey mom, have you seen my bike?"  "No, why? Is it not where you always leave it?"  "No, it's not I think someone stole it."  I sigh as run my fingers down my face.  "Well, give me ten and I can give you a ride."   My mom calls to me from the kitchen.  I know my mom, ten usually turns into thirty and if I wait for her I'll be late to first period.  I really don't want to give all the preppy jocks a reason to talk about me so I decline.  "It's ok mom, I'll walk I'm pretty early today anyway!" I still have a slight limp but I'm hoping the walk will help it heal faster.    "Ok sweetie see you after school! I love you!" 

               I walk out the door and zip up my jacket a little more it's getting chilly out. Heading down the driveway I hear a loud engine start to drive down the street.  "Oh no, please not him."  Lady Luck must not really like me because of course it's him.   "Get in."  He demands again.  I put my EarPods in and proceed to ignore him.  He pulls forward in his car parks and gets out.  Walking toward him I try to sidestep him but he grabs my hand. The nerve of this guy!  "What is it you want from me? First you look at me as if I'm nothing but a worm beneath your feet and now you won't leave me alone."  He looks at me almost amused, "I don't want anything from you baby doll trust me, just get in so I can make sure you get to school ok.  The way he says this causes me to laugh, this guy might be good looking but he's bat shit crazy.  "Well, I didn't ask for you to make sure I get to school ok, so once again, why don't you just go ahead and take your pretty face and pretty car and get lost.  You're going to make me late."  I pull my hand away from him and again put my EarPods in and walk away.  

                 Thinking I finally got the best of him I do a small victory dance inside, but, of course it was in vain because he pulls his car up beside me.  He starts screaming something but I just point at my headphones, "Sorry I can't hear you, bye!" I say this as I blow him a kiss.  Did I just blow him a kiss?!  Why won't he just go away?  While I'm reliving my moment he puts his car in neutral and revs his engine making me jump out of my skin!  "Oh my gosh! What is your problem?!" I scream at him!!  As I look at him he is laughing!  First of all, I didn't think he was capable of laughing second, seeing him laughing is a sight unlike any other I've seen.  It's mesmerizing well it would be if I wasn't so freaking mad!  "Look, buddy, if I get in and allow you the privilege of giving me a ride to school, will you leave me alone?"  Just as quickly as his laugh came, it went, "Yes, buddy, I assure you after this ride I will no longer waste my time on you."  I feel like I should be insulted but I really don't want him bothering me anymore. 

                 We finish the rest of the drive in silence and thankfully his car is a lot faster than my bike so we pull up to the school in no time.  He parks the car and turns to me, "Look, I don't want anyone here getting the wrong impression so, I'm going to get out first and then after I've gone in you can get out."  I sat there staring at him like a gawking fish. "Thanks baby doll, I knew you'd understand."  And just like that he was out of the car and I was still sitting there gawking.  "What just happened?"  Obviously I wasn't going to just sit there like the idiot he just made me out to be so I get out of the car trying to hold on to the last strain of dignity I have left. 

                    The day goes by quickly enough and I don't have to be at work as early today so I go to the pool and swim a few laps to clear my head.  It's been a while since I've gone swimming and with all the stress Viking God causes me, it feels good to work out the kinks with each stroke.  I've been swimming for a good fifteen minutes when I get to the edge of the pool and that man is standing there staring at me.  I swim back away from the edge of the pool stunned to see him so close to me.  I don't know what I should do I'm trapped in the pool and all I can think is to get into the middle at least I'll have a chance to get away from him if he jumps in.  "Who are you? Why do you keep following me?"  I ask barely able to get my words out.  "Ah, I see you haven't been informed yet. Well, you're probably better off that way, anyway.  I don't want you thinking you stand any kind of chance."  He says this with an accent I'm not familiar with.  As he's reaching into the back of his pants Easton shows up and this time I'm actually grateful to see him.  "Get to safety Charlee hurry!"  I swim faster than I ever have to the other side of the pool and get out.  I run as fast as I can on my hurt ankle into the locker room desperately trying to put as much distance between me and that man as I can.

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