Chasing Waterfalls

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           We drive back to his house and I'm wondering why we are here again.  "I know you're confused, but I want to take you somewhere."  "Ok, well, let's go." I state waiting for him to put the car in drive.  He looks at me with a mischievous smile, turns the car off and gets out.   Even more confused I also get out of the car and walk around to meet him at the front.  He takes my hand and leads me into the woods behind his house.  "Where are we going?"  I ask slightly hesitant.  "It's a surprise and I think you'll really like it."  He looks down at me and smiles, and I'm mesmerized by how even more gorgeous he looks.  I smile back at him and joke, "You're not leading me out here to murder me, right?!"  He just laughs and tugs at my arm to keep me walking. 

                 I don't know how long we've been walking for at this point, but I'm sweating in places I didn't know could sweat, and I'm pretty sure I strained muscles I never knew I had.  I put up my hand barely capable of speaking, "Stop, I need a break.  If I keep going at this pace I'm going to need to be airlifted out of here!"  I'm standing here looking at him completely pissed off that he's still capable of breathing through his nose and I'm huffing and puffing like an 80 year old chain smoker.  He starts laughing at me and if the sound didn't send chills down my spine, I would probably have punched him in the throat. 
               "Would you like me to carry you there? We will get there a lot quicker if I could."  "Yes!" I scream not even hesitating to agree to this idea because I really don't think I can take another step.  He quickly goes behind a tree and when he comes back he has shifted and is staring at me waiting with his clothes in his mouth.  "How do you plan on carrying me like that?"  He lays down in the dirt waiting me for me to climb on. 

                  Have you ever been in a situation in which you instantly regret agreeing to before getting all the information first?  Yup, that's me, right now.  I'm holding onto his fir for dear life, as he runs past trees and jumps over fallen logs and I know this is my end. I'm going to fall off of and break my neck, or I'm going to smash into a low hanging branch and suffer from severe brain damage.  This is how he planned on killing me,  I knew it.  While, I'm coming up with all the ways my life is going to end he slows down and comes to a stop in front of the most beautiful sight I have seen in nature.  A thunderous waterfall is crashing into one of the clearest pools of water I've ever seen.  It is so clear you can see the fish swimming around.   A rainbow shines over the top of the waterfall giving the impression the leprechaun is waiting there with his pot of gold.   I'm so taken aback by the sight before my eyes I don't even notice my wobbly knees or the fact he has shifted back and has currently taken my hand in his. 
              "Wow, this is amazing!  I didn't know this was here!"  He looks down at me and smiles.  "I was hoping you would like it, it's one of my favorite places to come.  I don't think a lot of people know about it because it's so hidden."  Easton pulls me to a path that leads to the top of the rocks and starts to undress.  "What are you doing?!"  I ask as I turn around.  "Don't worry baby doll I have my boxers on, I'm going to jump in."   I immediately turn around again, fear written all over my face, "You can't jump in! What if there are rocks?!"  "Come on Charlee, live a little!"  He laughs and then takes a quick run and jumps off.  A small scream escapes my mouth as I run to the edge waiting for him to emerge from the water.  My eyes are searching and scanning for what feels like a lifetime when his head finally breaks surface.  "You jackass!" I scream, "You almost gave me a heart attack!"  He looks up to me as he casually swims around.  "Well, what are you waiting for?! Get in the water feels amazing!"  He calls up to me.  "No way! You're insane! I'm not jumping!!"  "If you don't jump I'll just push you in!"  I look at him shocked, but I have a feeling he's being serious.  "Come on! Don't be a chicken!"  He teases.  I've never been one to back down from a challenge so I slowly undress down to my bra and underwear, I'm definitely glad I bought fitting bras when I did.  I walk to the edge of the rock count to three, and jump. 
                  I hit the water shocked at how warm it is.  I thought this time of year it would be freezing cold but it feels amazing.  I swim back up and he is smiling at me.  "I didn't think you were actually going to do it."   I laugh and splash water in his face.  Shocked by my reaction he swims over to me and dunks me under the water.  I resurface pretending to choke and when he gets close to help me, I jump on him and push him under the water.  I swim away as fast as I can but as I'm looking back to see where he is I slam into what I thought was a rock.  That is until I realize this rock has hands that are wrapping themselves around me.  "How did you get here so fast?!" I question already knowing the answer.  He looks deep in my eyes as he holds me and for a split second he gives me a look I don't understand.  Just as quickly as the look came, it passed and he clears his throat as he pulls away.  "Come on, there's something else I want to show you."  He slowly starts swimming back to where the waterfall is sliding over the rocks and disappears behind it.  Curiously I follow behind him thinking this is a trick but as I get closer I realize there is a small opening in the rocks. 
             I maneuver my way through the opening and I find myself in a giant cave.  He holds his hands out to me and pulls me up out of the water.  He continues to hold my hand as he leads me deeper into the cave until we find ourselves in a large room full of giant stalactites perilously hanging from the ceiling like a mouth full of teeth.  I look around the room amazed at what I'm seeing when my eyes stop on a blanket surrounded by candles.  "What is this?"  I ask shocked by the gesture.  "I thought you'd probably be hungry by the time we got here so I had Hanna and Julie come and set all this up."  I look at him completely dumbfounded.  Two days ago he hated me, and now he's surprising me with a picnic in the most serene place on this earth.  "This is amazing it's perfect."  I whisper trying to sort through my emotions.  "Well, come on let's go see what they packed for us."

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