Eyes in the Dark

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                 Because of the rain it's a slow day at work so I get a chance to talk to Cody and find out about his life.  "My mom is Puerto Rican and my dad is African American.  They met while my dad was in the military he was stationed there for a while.  They fell in love and bada bing bada boom here I am!"  He says while he does a Michael Jackson spin.  Talking to Cody is easy, "So you don't have any brothers or sisters?"  "Girl have you seen me?! My parents laid their eyes on me and knew they found perfection and stopped there! Whachu mean do I have brothers and sisters?  You be trippin!"  He jokes back as he ruffles my hair.   "Ok ok! Sorry!  I'll never disgrace you like that again!" I laugh swatting away his hand.  "Nah it's cool I'll dismiss it," he winks, "what about you, legs, you got any siblings?"  "Legs!?" I question on a laugh.  "Yea girl don't think I didn't notice those thick thighs you're trying to hide under those baggy pants.  If you weren't East's girl I'd try to swoon you myself" He says wagging his eyebrows at me.   "I'm definitely not East's girl and I never will be." I say glaring at him.  He just laughs and play punches me, "Ok, ok calm down Tiger, tell me about your story."  I unclench my jaw at the change of subject, "My story isn't all that great I was born here and I guess my parents didn't find perfection because they had my annoying brother 9 years after I was born," I laugh, "my mom is the president of DayLight Bank and my dad is a software engineer."  I look over at Cody he is pretending to snore.  "Hey!" I yell as I hit him with my towel. "What?! Huh, oh sorry did you finish?  That was was a snooze fest!"  I laugh and throw popcorn at him. 

                After a small popcorn fight I ask him, "How do you and the other Viking Gods know each other?"  He chuckles, "Viking Gods? Is that what people are calling us?"  "I mean you all are giant and built like fortresses and, as you've already stated, you certainly aren't lacking in the looks department, so...."  He nods at me expecting me to continue, "Don't stop there legs I'm enjoying this!"  I laugh and hit him with the towel again.  "Tell me! How do you all know each other?  And where did you all come from?  It's like you literally appeared out of nowhere."  Again he  laughs at me, "Girl you people 'round here are crazy makin' up crazy stories and shit.  Our parents work together and got transferred here to open a new company and oversee that it gets up and running.  If it does well we will probably leave again in a few months."  The story he tells me sounds legitimate but for some reason he can't seem to look me in the eye as he says it.  Even though I don't believe him I don't question him on it.

                 We finish work and close up.  "Bye legs! I'll see you next week!"  I laugh again at the silly nickname he has dubbed me with. "Bye Cody see you next week!"  He salutes me and walks away.  I walk outside and, thankfully, my dad is there waiting for me.  "Hey honey! Did you have a good day at work?"  "Hi dad." I say kissing him on the cheek. "I really did, I love working there! Thanks for picking me up."   "No problem, but you know you can borrow the car you don't have to let us drive you everywhere."  "You know I don't like driving dad." I say huffy.  "I know you don't but you know I was hoping when you were finally old enough to drive I would be on the home stretch and could finally have someone cater to me." He says with a laugh.  I roll my eyes, "Ok I'll try to start driving more" "Oh honey, your mom, brother, and I will be going out of town this weekend, we are going to Seattle for a conference.  Do you want to come with us?"  "No not this time I have a lot of homework to catch up on over the weekend."  He nods his head and I sit quietly thinking over my conversation with Cody.
                Once we get home I go straight upstairs ready to go to bed. I take a hot shower and try to let go of all the thoughts and events of this week. After my shower I feel a lot more relaxed and I put on my warm fuzzy pj bottoms that have penguins all over them and my dads old high school shirt. While brushing my hair I, again, find myself looking out the window. As I finish braiding my hair, I see a pair of yellow eyes and this time I know my imagination isn't playing tricks on me. I throw on my pair of rain boots and run down the stairs and out into the backyard. Unlike most people in Michigan we didn't fence our yard in which gives me straight access to the woods. Not really knowing what I'm looking for I run straight in and don't actually start regretting my decision until I trip over an unearthed tree root and fall into a puddle of mud. "Really?!" I yell as I smack the mud. I hear laughing coming from beside me. "Do you normally talk to yourself while covered in mud in the middle of the forest?" I turn to look at Easton staring down at me with his hand held out for me to take. "Thanks," I mutter, "What are you doing out here? Did you see a dog?" Easton folds his arms across his chest.  "I could ask you the same thing."  I look at him deciding if I want to tell him what I saw.  "If you take a picture it will last longer."  He remarks, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Ugh, whatever, I was deciding if I should tell you, or not."  "I don't have time for your nonsense and you look like you need a shower."  He says, condescendingly, as he gestures to the mud all over me.  With that, he turns and walks back into the woods and I'm left standing there like an idiot, again.

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