Apologies From the King

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I walk out of the room leaving that arrogant asshole speechless and let the others know I'm leaving. "Wait, how will you get home?!" Garrett asks with concern all over his face. I hadn't thought that part through, I didn't even know where I was. "I'll give you a ride." Easton offers as he enters the room. "You're crazy if you think I want to be anywhere near you ever again!" I snap crossing my
arms. Easton sighs defeated, "Please, Charlee, let me give you a ride home?" He asks holding his hand out to me. In the whole week I've known him, that's the nicest he has ever been to me. I'm shocked and don't know how to say no, I nod to him and take his hand. "Oh no! Don't you think for one second I'm going to standby and do nothing while you give that mangy mongrel a ride home!" Eve screams from the corner. "Not now Eve!" Easton commands. Eve completely ignoring him yells again, "I traveled over here to be with you, and this is the way you repay me?! By getting cozy with that whore!" She spits. "Eve! You will hold your tongue when speaking of Charlee, and we will discuss your behavior when I get back." Again, I'm shocked into silence and not knowing what to do I look around the room at the others who all seem to be smiling at the events that have just taken place.
Easton takes my hand again and leads me out the door. Looking around I realize we just exited an extremely large cabin in the middle of the woods. "Wow, this is really nice! Has this always been here?" I ask shocked to have never seen it. "Well not exactly it used to be an old dilapidated shack, we just knocked it down and put this up instead. We had it built a few months before we came here. Obviously, we need our privacy so this seemed like the best place to get it." "You're definitely right about having privacy out here, there's nothing but trees for miles! How did you get me out here?" "We are only a few miles from the path you were on, and we run pretty fast." "Oh." Is all I could think of replying. Easton chuckles at my face and again grabs my hand as he pulls me to his car.

In the heat of the moment, I didn't realize how much bigger his hands were than mine. Mine look like children hands that are being swallowed whole.
He opens the door for me and guides me in. I'm wondering where all his new found manners have come from. After he sits down he grips the steering wheel for a few moments before he turns to me. "Charlee, I'm sorry. What I said earlier was wrong and extremely inconsiderate. After I said it I instantly regretted it, and I totally deserved that punch. You have a great right hook by the way." He stops and laughs. I cover my face with my hands and laugh with him, "I'm sorry I shouldn't have hit you I really don't know what has come over me tonight I rarely resort to violence but I won't lie it did feel good." "It's your wolf, since we have been around, your wolf is sensing us and is starting to awaken." I look out the window still trying to process everything I have learned tonight.

"Well, come on let's get you home." Easton says as he starts the car. Driving along, a question pops out faster than I realize what I'm asking. "Easton, do you want to marry me?" He looks at me and laughs, "You know I always figured I'd be asked that question under more romantic circumstances." I playfully hit him, "You know what I mean!" "I know but it's hard to answer that, I don't even know you, and, honestly, I never thought I'd ever get married." I look at him shocked. "But what about Eve?" At the mention of her name I notice his hands tighten on the steering wheel. "Eve and I have had a very complicated relationship. I used to love her, I think, until I realized she was just using me for the title. I guess I always figured if I were to marry, it should be her. She's a strong female alpha and would be a good leader for any pack. But then it always felt like business. Does that make sense?" I listen to what he says and I know exactly what he means. I feel like I'm being forced to marry him, like I'm just a pawn in a chess game that was made thousands of years before I was in existence.
"Look, I know everything you've been told tonight is pretty shocking and probably really hard to process. I just feel like you and I got off to a bad start, mostly my fault, I know but I would like to make it up to you. Maybe we can get to know each other? Your birthday is in a month and that night will be your first shift. I would like to help you through it as much as possible. You definitely don't need anymore added stress or the transition will be more painful than necessary." I look at him contemplating everything he is telling me. I am going to shift whether I like it or not, and I have to marry him whether I like it or not. I don't want to be without a pack through all this. "Ok." I tell him. "I'd like that." He looks at me and gives me the most sincere smile and I pray that we really can be friends from this point on.

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