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I turn to look at Easton, and I start to think back about how it seemed that he and his pack already knew me before we had even met. 

Easton takes my hand studying it as if trying to find the right words.  "That's the thing Sam, I didn't know I was looking for Charlee.  I just knew I had to come here.  Shortly after I took over the throne  I started having dreams of Amberville Michigan.  I hadn't even heard of this place, but I couldn't get it out of my mind.  I read the documents over and over trying to understand what was happening to me.  I felt like I was bonded to someone but I had no idea how I could feel like that if I've never actually been bonded.  My brother and sister thought I was losing it.  I couldn't sleep, I was so unfocused I kept sensing Charlee without knowing who she was.  Then one night I had a dream about Sarah having a baby girl and I knew.  I just knew somehow we were bonded.  After that dream, my sense towards Charlee heightened.  Before it was just a nagging feeling, but after the dream I could feel her pain, or her embarrassment, I could feel when she was happy, when she was sad.  I confided in my family and closest friends and came here to find her and reject her."  I am a little taken aback my his last statement and he squeezes my hand.  "I'm sorry Charlee I was such a dumbass in the beginning.  When I first saw you I could barely bring myself to speak.  You are the most gorgeous girl I have ever laid eyes on. I came here thinking you were already 18 and knew your heritage.   Shortly, after our conversation that first day though, we all knew we were wrong.  Usually wolves know other wolves on sight we can smell them, you didn't even elude to the fact we were wolves, and after meeting Daniel and his pack we had all the verification we needed.  Daniel and his pack thought your mom was rogue and that's why he stopped hanging out with you in 8th grade.  But Daniel's dad, though he could be an arrogant son of a bitch, for the most part was a good man and didn't let Daniel tell you the real truth.  He felt it would be better if it came from your mother when she felt it was time.  So, when coming here, I had informed Eve of everything not knowing she would ever turn on me the way she did." He says rubbing his hand down his face in remorse for what he had done.   "It's not your fault East." I say rubbing his back.  "You didn't know what you were walking into, and you didn't have all the information you needed or I'm sure you would have handled things differently."  He grabs my leg and gives me a small smile.  "Why didn't you tell her any of this Sarah?" He looks to my mom trying to rationalize her decisions.  My mom looks at my dad and then gives me a small smile.  "I never told you because I knew they thought we were rogues and being married to a human solidified their thoughts.  That is why we got married to begin with, we didn't know we would ever actually fall in love we thought we were both doing it for Paul and to keep you safe.  I was planning on telling you that week we went out of town for my work.  We didn't actually go out of town, we went camping so I could shift because I had been to long without my wolf and I was starting to get restless.  I used your excuse of your job as my excuse for giving me a little bit longer before telling you.  We only planned on staying gone the weekend but it seems Sammy took that same weekend to do his first shift as well.  We didn't know if Sammy was going to turn or not because he is half human but I guess his werewolf genes are strong however, his shift did take a little longer than most.  So because I needed to teach him the way of the wolf we took longer on our trip.  Had I known I was going to come back to my baby being taken I would have made you come with us."  She sobs.  I run to my mom and throw my arms around her.  "It's ok mom I know you were just trying to protect me.  I don't blame you."  "It's my fault Charlee. I should have been here to protect you.  I didn't know that Easton and his pack had figured it out and obviously since we never met, they didn't know I was a werewolf either which is why they thought it somehow skipped a generation.  When you went missing I reached out to some of our old trusted connections and we were all searching for you.  That's when I found out Easton was also searching for you, apparently we both have some mutual friends.  We let Easton make up his story about your disappearance because we didn't want to bring more attention to what Eve tried to do, or who you are.  I have been putting off telling you because I don't want to lose my baby, but you and Easton need to bond, and you need to move back to Europe where you have the safety of his pack to protect you."  My mother sobs again and excuses herself to the restroom. 
          I look at my dad wondering what is going on his brain when he finally speaks, "Your mother is right Charlee, you need to bond with Easton you cannot prolong it much further.  Once you are bonded you will not only be able to hear each other's thoughts you both will be able to hear the thoughts of every wolf on the planet.  Another tidbit I left out of the documents."  Easton gasps in shock.  "No wonder nobody wanted the first Queen to live.  Imagine having that much power?"  He states staring blankly into the sky.  "Exactly Easton." My dad continues, "but you are a good King you brought the packs back when most people thought there was no hope left.  But you do need to get Victor's rogue  nation under control.  And that is not a job that is going to be easy for you.

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