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It is finally Friday! I walk into school and, surprisingly, I find Jocelyn at her locker alone! "Hey Joc!" "Charlee!" She squeals as usual. "I've been waiting all morning for you to get here!" She probably only got here like 5 minutes before me but she's always had flair for the dramatics. "Well, I'm here now, what's up?" "Scotty's friends are having a huge party tonight, on the hill, and you are totally coming with me!" I stare at her blankly. Who is this girl and what did she do with my best friend? "Since when did you like going to parties?" I ask a little rudely. "Char, it's our senior year we have been wallflowers our entire high school career it's time to live a little! And before you say your parents will say no, they already told my parents they are going out of town so you don't have any excuses." She says as she crosses her arms. Damn! "The party starts at 10:00 so I'll be at your house to pick you up at 9:45! You better be ready!" She throws her arms around my neck and does an excited little jump.
             Later that evening, rummaging through my closet trying to figure out what I'm suppose to wear to the party my phone chimes in:

I'm picking you up in an hour you better be ready!

What am I suppose to wear to this thing?

Something sexy there are going to be a ton of hot guys there tonight!

I'm not going.

Yes you are! Even if that means I have to drag you by your beautiful blonde hair! Love you see you soon! Xoxo

Jocelyn never leaves a whole lot of room for argument, so I continue to keep going through all my clothes. I find a dress in my closet that I've never seen. It must be one of the outfits that Hanna and Julie bought for me. I really hope they will be there tonight I miss talking to them. I try the dress on, it's a low cut blue dress that hugs tightly to my body but not in an overly slutty kind of way. I pair it with my white converse because I don't think my ankle can handle heels and put on my jean jacket. I am putting on the last bit of mascara when Jocelyn honks from my driveway.

When Jocelyn sees me she starts whistling and cheering. "Dang girl! You look fiiiinnne!" I laugh and do a little spin for her. "If nobody takes you home tonight you know I will!" She jokes. "Whatever, lets just make this night happen huh?"

            Walking into the mansion we are immediately handed a drink. I smell it and turn up my nose. "Nope! You are not doing that tonight!" Jocelyn yells at me. "Now, cheers me because we are going to have fun!" I clink my drink with Jocelyn and take a big swig. It actually tastes really good. "Yum!" I yell in Jocelyn's ear and we proceed to walk through the house until we find Scott.

After a few hours of drinking and dancing I start to get really hot so I let Jocelyn know I'm going to stand outside for awhile. Passing through the kitchen I see one girl dancing on the table starting to take her top off. Thank goodness I'm not that girl, I swear there's one at every party. This just happens to be my first time seeing it.
              There is a pretty big group of people standing around the fire pit outside so I grab one more drink and go join the group. I instantly regret my decision when I see who is in the group. It's Daniel Douchebag and the Viking asshole. Julie and Hanna are also there along with Alex, Garrett, and Cody.
"Charlee!" Julie squeals pulling me in for a hug. "Hi Julie!" I say and hug her back. I also give all the rest of them a hug except for the Viking. Obviously. When I finish with my greetings I notice a beautiful girl hanging over Easton. She is probably one of the prettiest girls I've ever seen, which I know I've been saying a lot lately but seriously?! Where do they keep coming from? She has platinum blonde hair but it's her eyes. Her eyes are purple. But not like a weird purple they are a natural light purple that are being highlighted in the light of the fire. She also just so happens to have legs that go on for days. She's wearing leather pants that probably took her hours to get into and a red top that barely leaves anything for the imagination.  She's got the figure of a Victoria Secret model and I definitely feel completely inadequate standing next to her.

She must feel my eyes boring into her because she turns and looks at me. "So you must be the little girl that's causing Easton so many problems. I can't say I see what the fuss is about." This causes the rest of the group to laugh. Not wanting to let her see she gets to me I reply, "My name is Charlee and the only thing causing Easton problems is his lack of a personality." As I say this Easton just looks at me and raises an eyebrow I think he's almost enjoying this. I turn back to the model, "I hear you have an accent where are you from?" She looks at me with disdain and replies, "Yes, I happen to be from England not that I would expect a, what's that word, ah yes, hillbilly like you to understand. I'm shocked you're even wearing shoes." This again causes the crowd to laugh when Daniel steps in, "Well at least you're wearing the right bra this time huh, pudding." Again, more laughter and he continues, "If you ever need help taking it off though give me a call, I know you've wanted me since freshman year." He looks at the crowd and they all erupt in laughter as they remember that first day. I don't know what comes over me, actually I do, I've had a little bit too much liquid courage, and I walk up to Daniel and punch him right in his smug face knocking him to the ground.  I shove the blonde model out of my way and go look for Jocelyn.

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