Saying Goodbye

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"Did she say yes?" I hear Hanna and Julie scream as we enter the house. Laughing I hold up my ring finger to show them my answer. They both squeal with delight as they race to me and embrace me in a long hug. "I am so excited we are going to have another sister!" Hanna exclaims jumping up and down. "When's the wedding?" Julie asks examining my ring. Like a deer caught in headlights I look at Easton not realizing that we actually have to plan a wedding. "I actually have everything set up and ready to go." Easton says while rubbing the back of his neck. "Are you blushing?" I ask him pointing at his face smiling at his insecurity. "No!" He claps back trying to compose himself. I can't help but laugh. "You sure are cute when your embarrassed" I say while grabbing his face and kissing him. I shock myself with my boldness but something about him makes me do things I wouldn't normally do. "I set it up when I left to go back to Europe a month ago. Especially after everything we have been informed of by your parents the quicker we bond the better." He informs wrapping his arms around me. "Wait, what were you informed of?" Garrett asks from the corner. Easton calls a family meeting and we all sit down to discuss the recent developments.

"Damn!" Alex breaths out when they have been given the 411 on everything that is to come. Julie and Hanna look at me and I can see the concern in their eyes and Garrett sits quietly trying to comprehend the seriousness of everything we have been told.

"Charlee, you cant wait. We need to go to Europe now and get you married." Hanna says coming to sit by me. "Your life is in danger. Thankfully nobody knows the whole truth, but you need to get bonded as quickly as possible." Hearing the concern in her voice and thinking of the warning from my parents I know we cannot put it off any longer. "When are we going to Europe?" I ask Easton embarrassed again my boldness. Easton take my hands in his and tells Alex to get the plane ready we will be leaving in three days. "Three days?" I gasp thinking he would at least want to wait a month. "What about school? Jocelyn? My parents?" I question trying to rationalize with him. "Your parents can unenroll you and re-enroll you in Europe with the rest of the pack, you have three days to explain to Jocelyn you're leaving, and you can even invite her to the wedding if you want, and your parents are welcome to live with us again in Europe. After all, it is your mom's original pack and she is welcome to come back. Given the circumstances of why she left, everyone will understand and welcome her with a warm embrace." Easton rubs my hands while I let the enormity of what's happening sink in.

"You're going to Europe and getting married!" Jocelyn shouts at me. "Charlee, you have barely known him, how can you just up and marry him? For goodness sake Charlee, you went missing in the woods for weeks because of him! Why are your parents allowing you to do this?" She tries to rationalize with me and I wish I could just tell her the truth. I don't think she would be able to handle it though. Jocelyn has always been a little flaky as a friend but she was the one who helped me get through high school. "I know this is a lot to take in Joc, but I would love for you to come with me and be my maid of honor in the wedding." Jocelyn looks at me and I can see now he wheels turning in her mind. I know she thinks I'm crazy, and honestly if I was in her shoes, I would think I was crazy as well. Here I am running off to Europe to start a new life with a guy I just met. I know if I was her I would do everything I could to convince me to not do it. "Look Char, I love you, you're my best friend but I cannot encourage you to do this. I know you're going to do what you want anyway but I can't go along with this. I'm begging you to please not do this Charlee." Jocelyn starts to cry as she pleads with me. "I'm sorry Jocelyn there are things happening that I can't tell you about, but I need you to understand Easton has my best interests at heart and he truly loves me, and I truly love him." "What can't you tell me Charlee? Are you in danger? Are you in a gang?!" I laugh at her words thinking of the conversation my dad had with Paul when he was going through all of this with him. "No, I'm not in a gang Joc, I say taking her hand in mine." I am in danger but I can't tell you the kind I am in. Going to Europe is going to be the only way to keep me safe and I hope one day you will come visit me there." I hug Jocelyn and I get up to leave knowing this could be the last time I ever see her again.

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