And Now I Wish I Didn't Know

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When I get inside I go into the living room looking for Jocelyn since that's where I last left her. I find her, as usual sucking face, with Scott. "Hey Jocelyn, I'm going to head home. Don't drive ok?" Jocelyn pauses her make out session and turns to me, "Are you ok Char?" "Yea I'm ok it's just been a long week and I'm tired. Scott are you going to drive her home?" I ask looking in his cup. "Yea I'm ok Charlee, I've only been drinking water. Do you want me to give you a ride home really quick." "No, it's ok I'll just take the path through the woods." They both wave goodbye and I take off out the front door.

Walking through the woods I think of all the times I've walked this path over the years. Daniel and I used to walk back and forth this way to get to the lake. I really wish I could figure out why he changed. Back then, I never thought I would grow up without having Daniel in my life. I'm lost in  thought when I get the feeling of being watched. I send up a silent prayer praying it's not that man again, and I pull my jacket a little tighter. Picking up speed, I try to calm down my pumping heart. Suddenly, I hear a loud growl and something runs past swiping at me, tearing my jacket, and leaving a deep gash in my arm. "Agh!" I scream out in pain grabbing my arm and taking off running through the woods. I hear another growl and whatever it is swipes at me again ripping my dress and leaves another deep gash down the side of my ribs. Ignoring the pain, I force myself to run faster hoping whatever it is will get tired of me. A loud howl erupts sounding as if it's all around me and I am forced to stop as five giant creatures circle around me.

I've read about wolves but these things look way to big to be wolves. Plus, I've never heard of wolves being in this part of Michigan. I see a large branch to the right of me, picking it up, I hope I can at least scare them off. Slowly, they start closing in around me, snarling and foaming at the mouth. Great, they are rabid. I'm going to have to get rabies shots if I survive this. Just as I go to swing at one another one bites my leg right at the knee causing me to drop down. Still trying to fight them off, I'm completely unaware that another giant black wolf leaps over my head and tackles one of the wolves to the ground killing it instantly. Six more wolves show up killing all but one who managed to run off while the others were engaged. I try standing but my leg is too injured and I'm getting dizzy from blood loss. I feel myself about to faint from shock when the largest black wolf starts approaching me and as I look into his eyes, "Easton?" Then, darkness.

"Easton, you have to tell her." I hear Hanna plead. "Her life is at stake and she has the right to know why." "Enough Hanna!" Easton barks, "I am trying to figure this out without her having to know. The less she knows the better." Alex then chimes in, "East, you know as your beta I've always respected and accepted all of your decisions. But I'm going to have to agree with Hanna on this one. Charlee is the rightful heir. Not Eve." At this remark, I hear the girl from the party. "How dare you speak of me as if I shouldn't be his mate! I'm much more of a mate suited for the King then that mutt laying there!" Wait is she referring to me? "You will hold your tongue!" Garrett shouts. "That mutt you're referring to is royalty and she can easily banish you." I don't think I've ever heard Garrett angry before. Wait, was he also referring to me? What does he mean royalty, and who the heck are they calling a mutt? "Enough all of you!" Easton commands "Our guest is no longer sleeping." Blushing that I've been caught I open my eyes and try to sit up. "Careful sweetheart, you took quite the beating." Alex says as he assists me into a sitting position.
I look around the room at all their faces waiting for some kind of explanation. "One of you better start talking because I almost got killed by a pack of rabid wolves and I'm not leaving until
I have some explanations."  Easton sighs and proceeds to explain. "Those were just the scouts not the whole pack, and yes to some extent you were almost killed by wolves but the reason those wolves are so much bigger than actual wolves is because they are werewolves." I stare at him for a few seconds and burst out laughing. "You are crazy! I knew you were crazy! Did you just get released from an institution? Who are you guys?" I ask looking at the rest of the group. "Were you all in the same institution as each other, or are you his nurses trying to humor him?" They all look at me as I continue laughing. "You know what, I'm done. This has been real enlightening and all, but I'm out. Thank you for bandaging my wounds but I think I actually need to get them seen by a real doc..." As I'm about to walk out, Easton steps in front of me and starts to transform before my very eyes.

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