Family Secrets Part 2

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"The king?" I ask trying to understand what he means.  "Yes Charlee, Paul's dad is none other than your grandfather Charlie."  My dad says not being able to look me in the eyes.  "But..." I begin starting to feel like I can't breath.  "Please Charlee, let him finish." My mom cuts me off softly.

"Charlie continued to explain to me that they had left Europe when Paul was born because threats had been made on his life he thought that by moving here to Michigan Paul would be safer because nobody would know where he was.  Charlie would continue to go back to Europe every couple of weeks-which I knew about, but I always thought it was for work purpose.  Which I guess it was but definitely not the kind of work I was thinking.  I learned that the reason for Paul's absence was because shortly after Paul transformed he started going to Europe with his dad to learn how to take over as King.  And that is the same reason why he was shot that night, because somebody didn't want him alive.  They felt it would be easier to challenge an old man then it would to challenge a wolf in his prime.  As Charlie requested, I never told anyone what I learned that night.  The years went by, and after college Paul asked me to move to Europe with him and help him with the accounts of the packs.  After we had moved to Europe Paul had met his mate, your mother, Sarah."

I look at my mom shocked by this news, that means my mom is also a werewolf.  I have no idea what to think by this.  "But, wouldn't that have made you the next in line to be Queen?" I ask.  "Please wait, until the end, hopefully all of your questions will be answered and if not we will answer them when your dad is finished." My mom explains. 

"The day Charlie was challenged." My dad continues "Sarah went into labor with you.  Paul had taken your mom into hiding because riots were breaking out from the rogue packs.  When your dad challenged Charlie,- he stares looking at Easton with disgust- he had also sent a group of wolves to where Sarah and Paul had been hiding.   I found out about the plan and had rushed to find Paul but I had shown up too late.  Paul was so distracted by your birth he didn't sense the wolves coming until it was too late.  He fought bravely and killed all of them but he was shot in the back by Victor." 

I gasp out loud knowing exactly which Victor he is referring to.  The same Victor that brought me weeks of endless torment. 

"That's right Charlee.  When Victor killed Paul, Charlie felt it in the loss of connection and became distracted.  That was the exact moment that your father had been waiting for.  When Charlie was in his thoughts searching for Paul, he attacked  and tore into his jugular draining him.  But unbeknownst to Victor and your father, a girl was born two minutes after his death.  The second girl to ever be born into Royalty since the dawn of werewolves."

"Second?" Easton interrupts,  "no that's not right I have searched all the documents I can't find any mention of another female heir." 

"That's correct Easton, and the reason you can't find any of those documents is because we took them and hid them to keep Charlee safe." My dad continues.  "After Charlee was born I found Sarah inside sobbing.  They killed him Sam, Paul is dead and now, they will come after my baby." I knew what I needed to do.  I snuck into Charlie's vault and I altered the documents and snuck away with the real documents no one knowing the wiser.  Sarah had told everyone that the baby died in childbirth.  And we left shortly after and came to live here and leave that life behind us.   Your father took over as King and just about ran the packs into the ground.  However, the Kingdom was rightly his because he challenged the King and won, and because you challenged your father and won you are now rightly King.  I left that in the documents because I didn't want your father digging into Sarah's story of losing her baby.   The part of the documents you didn't know about though, was that any female born into royalty automatically takes over the throne which means Charlee is the true heir to the throne but she can only take the throne if she has a mate.  She cannot be challenged the way a King can, however if she is killed before she is mated it automatically passes on the title to whoever killed her. The reason you are probably wondering why it seems you are already mated, is because technically you are.  If Charlie would have never been killed that day, he would have accepted his fate to be challenged for the Kingship by any male wolf willing to fight to the death.  The reason for the death match is because only a wolf strong enough to kill the King-the alpha of all alpahs- deserves the right to Charlee's hand.  Unfortunately,  Charlee wouldn't have been able to choose her mate, her mate would have to be whoever the strongest male is to take on the King. Because Charlee was born after your father became King, he unknowingly accepted that role of being challenged for her hand.  And because you killed him Easton, you accepted Charlee as your mate. But that's not even the most important part that we went to such great lengths to hide. Like I stated previously, Charlee is the second female heir to be born in all of our history.  Which means Charlee will give birth to the strongest King our packs will ever see.   No male will be able to challenge him.  Which means her descendants from here on out will hold the throne until we are no longer walking this Earth.  This could be a good thing, but this could also be a bad thing for any wolves that are power hungry and want to try to do what your father did before you Easton.  The first female heir was murdered before she was ever able to take a mate which past on the title of the Kingdom to King Jansen. Unlike a male wolf, female wolves don't make their first shifts until they are 18 so they cannot defend themselves.  This is why it is so important a Queen has a mate as soon as possible and why we tried desperately to keep her hidden for so long.  Thankfully, Eve didn't know that information or I'm sure she would have killed her earlier.  However, Easton you would have still had the throne because you unknowingly already took Charlee as your mate.  Which brings me to a question for you Easton.... how did you know to come look for a Charlee?"

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